From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

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Now that you've made it through the course, you should have a feel for how mastering works. Remember that like so many other things in life, mastering takes practice, and the more you do it, the better you get. The more experience you gain, the more you learn what works and what doesn't in a particular situation, but never be afraid to experiment. Learning the fundamentals is important, but learning when to break them is important too. Above all, have fun. You can sometimes create magic without it, but everything goes so much easier when everyone is having a good time. For some additional information and exercises on recording, watch the Audio Recording Techniques course on the online training library, as well as the Foundations of Audio Series, and my Audio Mixing Bootcamp course. Additionally, you may want to check out the Audio Mastering Handbook, published by Cengage Course Technology. Good luck, and go master some hits.
