From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

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Adjusting the stereo image

Adjusting the stereo image

Setting the Stereo Imaging of a mix is an important function of mastering, giving the mastering engineer complete control over how wide or narrow the sound field will be. Let's take a look at how this works, in this case we're going to use a Waves S1 Stereo Imager, and it does a number of different things to the sound field. Let's first of all look at the Width Control right over here, have a listen. (music playing) And what you heard there is the Stereo Image getting wider and then narrow to almost Mono and then Wide again. And if you listen to the Hi-Hat you can hear it going way out to the side, and sometimes that's what we want to do in a mix, we just want to make it a little bit wider than the way it's been mixed, and this is a way to do it. Now there some of the controls here, Rotation for instance, and this is a glorified Pan Control. (music playing) Asymmetry is basically the same thing, it's another form of Pan Control. (music playing) It's very subtle, it's mostly the Reverb…
