From the course: API Testing Foundations

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API automation

API automation

- [Instructor] We've spent a lot of time so far looking at how to test an API, but since APIs can often run more quickly and tend to lend themselves much more to automated checking, it's often beneficial to use them to run test automation. Exploratory testing gives us the insight that we need in order to automate, but exploration and automation are usually trying to achieve different things and so we need to think about them differently. Exploration can lay the foundations for the automated tests that we want, but exploration is about discovery, it's about finding new things, it's about understanding what additional things we might need to investigate or dig into in the system. Automation on the other hand is more about repeating things. Automation relies on exploration for figuring out what to automate, but it requires a different approach. It's all about repetition. So if we need to repeat things, what things should we…
