From the course: Advanced Python: Working With Data

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Solution: Build a data summary

Solution: Build a data summary - Python Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Python: Working With Data

Solution: Build a data summary

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] All right, let's take a look at my solution for this challenge. And remember, it's not important that your code be exactly the same as mine. There's usually multiple ways to solve challenges like this. And the important thing to do is just learn from other people's examples. This challenge consists of four parts. So there were four different results we needed to calculate and we'll go through each one of them. So the first part was to find the total number of earthquakes or well, seismic events. And this was a bit of a trick question because that data is contained right within the first part of the file. So I just used the count data field inside the metadata to get the total number of quakes. Of course, if you wanted to use the length function to get the length of the features array itself, that's also fine. Okay, so moving on. The second part was to find out how many events were felt by at least 100 people. So this part of the solution calls for the use…
