From the course: Advanced Python

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- [Instructor] Sometimes Python is referred to as the batteries included language, because it has a lot of functionality built into it that in other languages, you would ordinarily have to find in a third party library or code yourself. In this chapter, we'll take a look at some of the built in functions and how you can use them to save time and get better performance in your applications. You can see the full list of the built in functions at this link in the Python documentation. There are almost 70 of them, and they provide a wide range of functionality. Now I'm now going to cover all of these, but I will highlight the most important ones. So let's jump over to our editor, and in vscode in my built in functions chapter, I'm going to open up the file, and I have a list of values here in my main function. And so let's start by taking a look at the any and all functions. So the any function will return true if any of the values in a given sequence evaluate to…
