From the course: Advanced Photography: Flash

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- A soft box gives you all of the beautiful soft light that you can get from an umbrella but with a little bit more control. As you can see, soft boxes come in a lot of shapes and sizes. I feel like I'm in Ben's soft box emporium or something. Anyway, there was a reason I have all these soft box, they're all very useful. Let's talk about what a soft box is though. It's a box, and it is actually soft. I've got a light here at the end shining that way, so this a transmissive thing, not reflective, but note the shape of the box. It's a lot boxier than an umbrella and that's where a lot of the control comes from. The angle coming here off the front is much less extreme than that oblique angle that I get off of an umbrella so the light stays more contained. Also notice that the back is almost the same size as the front. That means that a lot of the light back here is traveling the same distance to get to the front unlike an umbrella where the edges are a different distance from the middle.…
