From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

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Creating simple animations with still images

Creating simple animations with still images

From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

Creating simple animations with still images

In this movie, we're going to take a series of still images that we can animate to make a really simple movie. And the reason we would want to do this is just to show the motion that would complement our individual craft. And I don't mean show motion by just slowing down shutter speed for one single image. I mean taking a series of single images that we can put together, and make kind of a flip-book style movie. So I've got this craft here, this little needle felted octopus that I made. And I wanted to really give him a little home, not just create a habitat shop. But really put it all together and give this whole project some fun, dynamic elements and also just get a little crafty. So what I've done here is, first of all, crafted a light box. And I did this because I don't always have the optimal lighting situation at my home or studio. So, this is just a simple project. It's basically just taking a cardboard box, cutting out a side here, a side here, an open area here. And for, the…
