From the course: Adding Value through Diversity

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- Nick Wilson is the managing Director of Hewlett-Packard Enterprises South Pacific, an international organization with one of the largest neurodiversity programs. Wilson says that no other initiative in HPE South Pacific delivers benefits at so many levels. In the first two years of the program more than 30 neurodivergent people were placed in software testing roles in Australia's Department of Human Services. The early results show neurodiverse teams to be 30% more productive than the other teams. This story is not a standalone tale. It highlights a larger value of neurodiverse teams. Neurodiversity, neurodivergent, and neurovariance all refer to human brain variations in mental functions such as sociability, learning attention and mood. ADHD, dyslexia, and autism are all considered to be on the neurodiversity spectrum. One value of neurodiverse teams is innovation and creativity. Neurodiversity by definition means that…
