Edit Sponsored Content ad creatives

Last updated: 5 months ago
Sponsored Content ads include the following ad formats:
  • Single image ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel image ads
  • Single job ads
  • Event ads

  • Document ads

Depending on the Sponsored Content ad format selected and how your ad was created, you may be able to make edits to the ad. Sponsored Content ads can be created directly in Campaign Manager while building your campaign. You can also sponsor a Page post as a single image, video, event, or document ad.

Sponsored Content ads created directly in Campaign Manager are known as Direct Sponsored Content. While there are variations in editing between the ad formats, you can edit Direct Sponsored Content by managing your campaign in Campaign Manager.

Note: Sponsored Content creatives can't be edited after your campaign has completed.

Sponsored Page posts may be able to be edited from the LinkedIn Page. Learn more about editing posts on your LinkedIn Page.

Note: Page posts that are sponsored as video ads can’t be edited.

Learn more about the difference between Sponsored Content and Direct Sponsored Content.

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