Follower ads

Last updated: 5 days ago

Follower ads encourage members to follow your LinkedIn or Showcase Page on desktop. These ads are tailored to each member as they feature their first name and your company name in the ad copy. It might also display the member's connections that are following your page.

Example of a follower ad

Here's a tip

Each member sees their personalized information. Member profile information is not displayed to other members. Members can also opt out of allowing their profile information to be used to personalize ads.

Follower ads support the top and middle levels of funnel marketing. This ad format may be used in these objective-based advertising options:
  • Brand awareness

  • Engagement

A follow button is automatically added to any ad campaigns with Engagement as the objective. For existing followers, you can select the call-to-action you would like members to see on the ad.

Here's a tip

Manual bidding is the only option for follower ads.  

Measure the performance of your advertising campaign with engagement metrics. Understand your audience better with professional demographic reporting.

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