Claim a LinkedIn Listing Page

Last updated: 1 month ago

LinkedIn creates Listing Pages to help members and companies build their presence on LinkedIn. All Listing Pages have a banner indicating that it was created by LinkedIn.

Who can use this feature?

You must have your current position with the associated organization listed in the Experience section of your profile to claim the Listing Page.

If you're a current employee, you can claim the Listing Page to continue building your organization’s presence on LinkedIn. 

If another eligible member has claimed the Listing Page, you can request admin access. If you notice an organization has a Listing Page, an admin who meets the eligibility criteria can claim and manage the Listing Page. To share the Listing Page with the admin, you would select Share this page in the top banner.

To claim a Listing Page:

  1. Find the organization’s Page.

  2. Click the Claim this page button in the upper-right corner.

  3. Select the checkbox to verify that you’re an authorized representative of your organization to claim the Page.

  4. Click Confirm. You’ll be routed to your Page admin view.

Once you claim a Listing Page, the banner is removed, and it becomes a LinkedIn Page. 

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