Targeted audience pages on your Life or What We Do tab

Last updated: 1 year ago

LinkedIn Pages enhanced with Career Pages have a Life page that can be configured to display different versions to targeted audiences, based on information in the viewer's LinkedIn profile such as language, geography, job function, company size, industry, and seniority level.

Targeted audience pages allow you to customize what viewers see based on what most likely applies to them. For example, if you want to create a Life page showcasing the company culture for your engineering department in Germany, you can target audiences that have the German language setting and engineering as their job function on their LinkedIn profile.

When a viewer matches the criteria for multiple targeted audience pages, they’ll see pages based on the following attributes of their profile in comparison to the page criteria, in order of priority: language, geography, job function, industry, title/seniority, and company size. The order in which targeted audience pages are displayed depends on how many criteria the viewer meets for a particular page.

Here's a tip

Members can see a specific targeted audience page and can navigate to other versions by clicking Next at the top of the Life page. This can be enabled through the targeted audience settings.

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