Create Successful Message Ads – Best Practices

Last updated: 7 months ago

Message ads are native ads displayed on targeted members’ LinkedIn Messaging. Message ads include a single call-to-action button. Since message ads can be accessed through both desktop and mobile, ensure that your content is optimized for viewing on both platforms. Learn how to preview and test a message ad.

Below are some tips for crafting a successful message ad.
Best days to launch: Tuesday and Wednesday are optimal days to launch message ads.
Overall content strategy: Focus on how the member could benefit from the conversation.
Subject line: The subject line should be personable, concise, interesting, and friendly. For example: You're Invited to a FixDex Marketing Event; Join our pilot program.
Note: Sending the message ad from a recognized, prominent, or credible person will positively contribute to your campaign.
Custom greeting: To insert a custom greeting, type your salutation like Hello or Hi and add %FIRSTNAME%, %LASTNAME% to dynamically insert the member's first name and last name. (ex. Hi %FIRSTNAME%, will appear as Hi Jane, for the member receiving the message ad)
Learn how to create LinkedIn ads with macros.
Banner creative: Consider using an image banner for branding impact.
Body: Here are some tips for crafting an effective message in the body of your message ad:
  • Start your message off with a personal introduction and a clear purpose that specifically speaks to your audience.
  • Keep the copy short and concise, generally under 500 characters
  • Rich text options like bulleting, italics, and bolding are available, although we recommend keeping the formatting simple and conversational since you're in a conversation space.

  • Avoid using characters like < > # % { } \ ^ ˜ [ ] ` in the URLs that you include within the body of your message. These characters can cause an error with the hyperlink.
  • Ensure that the call-to-action hyperlink communicates clearly what's to be expected on your landing page or LinkedIn Lead Gen Form. Use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms to capture quality leads using forms that are pre-filled with LinkedIn profile data. Lead Gen Forms are available for mobile and desktop campaigns. Learn more about Lead Gen Forms.
Learn how to create a message ad campaign and more about message ad advertising specifications.

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