Registration forms used for Events organized by Pages

Last updated: 3 days ago
Super and content admins of a LinkedIn Page can collect quality leads from Events that they’re hosting by using registration forms that are pre-filled with LinkedIn profile data.
While creating an Event as a Page, the organizer (super or content admin) can request members to submit a registration form with their first name, last name, email address, job title, company name, and country/region. In this case, submitting the registration form is mandatory to attend the Event.


  • Registration forms are not available for Audio Events.
  • If a registration form was enabled during the creation of an Event, it cannot be disabled or modified later.
Organizers can access the collected profile data by downloading it from the Manage attendees section within their Event. These details can be used to communicate relevant information to the attendees. Organizers should not send communications about their products to members who haven’t selected the consent checkbox on the registration form.
Once a member clicks the Register button on an Event, they’ll see a form that’s automatically pre-filled with their name and email addresses from their LinkedIn profile data. This allows members to submit the registration form to Event organizers without having to manually type in the requested details. Additionally, by selecting the checkbox on the registration form, members can opt to allow the organizer to send them promotional or marketing communications.
  • If you add a registration form to your event, members will not be able to view the event without submitting their information through the form.
  • There can be a four-five day delay from when a member registers for an event to when they show on the downloaded form.

  • Registrant data is only available to download up to one year from the day they register. After one year, the data can no longer be accessed.

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