Make Giving Viral: Announcing LinkedIn for Good

It’s amazing what can happen when the right people connect.  That should sound familiar coming from someone who works at LinkedIn, but we really do believe in the power of a professional network.

A few months ago a handful of LinkedIn employees, inspired by an exchange on our internal blog, came together around the notion that we should really be doing more to leverage our amazing platform for social good.

Today we’re pleased to announce the launch of LinkedIn for Good, an initiative we’ve implemented to virally raise awareness and funds for nonprofit organizations around the world.

LinkedIn for Good allows you to contribute directly to each participating organization from its dedicated page on LinkedIn.  You can also promote the philanthropic causes you care about to others in the network by adding a badge to your profile.

The good connections didn’t end at the initial idea; Grammy-nominated pop star James Blunt agreed to endorse Doctors Without Borders when LinkedIn employee Kay Luo discovered he was raising money for the humanitarian aid organization at a concert.  It just goes to show that when interests are aligned, reaching out to the right people really does pay off.

Check out our launch partners’ pages here:
American Red Cross
Doctors Without Borders
World Wildlife Fund

In addition to pages and profile badges, we’re giving free job listings to registered nonprofits to help them make key hires.

So put your network to good use – support these outstanding organizations. Also, check out Mashable's coverage of the LinkedIn for Good launch here.