Matched Audiences definitions

Last updated: 2 months ago

Once you set up your Matched Audience, it begins to build. You can then go to the Audiences page in Campaign Manager to get more information about your audience, such as the status, source, match rate, and audience count.

Use the following definitions to help you get started:


Indicates if your audience is ready to use or needs additional attention.

Here's a tip

When your audience status is Ready, you’ll receive an email notification. Keep in mind, you’ll get an email for each Matched or predictive audience that has a Ready status. For example, if you have two audiences on the same ad account that are ready, you’ll receive two email notifications.

The following table lists the status definitions:

Status Definition Next steps
Archived The audience hasn't been used in a campaign or modified for 30 days.

You can reactivate your audience by adding it to an active or draft campaign and allowing 48 hours for the audience to reprocess. Keep in mind:

Even if your audience processed before it was archived, it must go through reprocessing again, which can take up to 48 hours.

If you add an expired audience to a draft campaign, the audience will be Active for 30 days. If the campaign isn’t updated to Active within 30 days, your audience will revert to Archived.

If your archived audience size is zero, it can’t be moved from Archived to Ready.

Building The audience segment is processing and can’t be used yet. Allow 48 hours for the audience to process. Keep in mind, in rare instances it can take longer.
Expired The audience segment hasn't been edited or used in an active or draft campaign in the past 90 days, and the data is no longer available. To make an expired list useable in campaigns, edit and re-upload the list.
Failed There are problems with the list you uploaded or the segment you pushed from your data integration provider. If you have a data integration provider, please work with them to resolve the issue.
Ready The audience segment has been fully processed. Your audience is ready to use for your campaigns.
Updating Edits to your list are in process. Allow 48 hours for the audience to process. Keep in mind, in rare instances it can take longer.
Website: sending signal For website audience segments - Your audience has received a signal event.

Allow 24 hours for the audience to verify. In Campaign Manager, you’ll see the last received signal. For example, if the signal was received 10 minutes before, you’ll see Last signal received: 10 minutes ago.

Your audience must build up to 300 people before a website retargeting campaign can start to deliver or Audience Insight data will be available.

Website: no signal For website audience segments - No signal has been received.

Allow 24 hours for the audience to verify. In Campaign Manager, you’ll see Last signal received: No signal yet.

If there’s still no signal, confirm that your website audience URL has been entered correctly and the Insight Tag has been properly placed on the pages you’d like to track.


The data source used to build your Matched Audience.

You can create custom audience segments using sources such as company and contact lists, engagement with certain types of ad formats or your Company Page, third-party integrations, Lead Gen Forms, through your Conversions API, and website audiences.

Match rate

The percentage of your uploaded list or data integration segment that was matched with the following:

  • LinkedIn Pages for company targeting 
  • LinkedIn member accounts for contact targeting via CSV upload or data integration 

The match rate will show as <5% in Campaign Manager when the audience is fewer than 300. Match rates are based on the past 7-day timeframe.

Active campaigns

The number of active campaigns that the audience is being used in.


Shows if the audience is owned or received by the ad account. If the audience was received by the ad account, it means that a copy of the Matched Audience was shared across your ad accounts with asset copying.

Last audience count

The latest count of member accounts in the targetable audience for the advertiser. Keep in mind, this number can fluctuate, since it is impacted by: 

  • New member accounts on LinkedIn 
  • Existing member accounts updating their profiles 
  • Member accounts opting out of targeting 
  • Data input provided to LinkedIn

On your Audiences page, you’ll see one of the following:

Audience count Definition 
Processing We're calculating the size of your audience.
< 300 members Your audience count is greater than 0 and less than 300.
<number> members The rounded, approximate number of your audience count. For example, you’ll see 280,000 members if your audience is approximately that number.

Last modified

The date the list was last modified by a user (such as when the CSV is updated) or when the segment was updated by your data integration partner.

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