Upload company and contact targeting lists for LinkedIn Ads

Last updated: 7 months ago

You can use company and contact targeting to build audience segments based on lists of companies and organizations or contact information. Company and contact lists are a part of LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences.

Before you upload a list to Campaign Manager

Important to know

Before you download and fill in your templates, read through the company list requirements and contact list requirements to help ensure a successful upload.

Company and contact list requirements:

To upload your company or contact list, you need to download the template and fill in the information. You can find the templates in Campaign Manager, or you can download the templates here: 

To download the CSV template from Campaign Manager: 

  1. Sign in to Campaign Manager. 

  2. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown. 

  3. Click  Plan  on the left menu and select Audiences.

  4. Click the Create audience  button, then select Matched Audience.

  5. Select Company / Contact, then click Next.

  6. Click the List type dropdown menu, then select Company list or Contact list.

  7. Click Download the company list template or Download the contact list template.

  8. After you’ve downloaded the template and added your information, you’ll need to upload the list into Campaign Manager. 

Upload a list to Campaign Manager 

To upload a company or contact list:
  1. Download your company or contact list template and fill in the information.

  2. Sign in to Campaign Manager. 

  3. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown.  

  4. Click Plan on the left menu and select Audiences.

  5. Click the Create audience  button, then select Matched Audience.

  6. Select Company / Contact, then click Next.

  7. Name the audience, select the List type, and click Select list.

    • Use our company list or contact list templates to create your lists for an easy upload.
    • You’ll be prompted to upload a saved file from your computer.
  8. Click Upload.
Once your company or contact list is uploaded and matched, you may select and include your list in your targeting setup.

Here's a tip

If you select a company or contact list when building your campaign audience, you can refine your audience by choosing additional targeting attributes, such as job function or seniority.

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