Third-party tracking

Last updated: 7 months ago
Campaign Manager uses a server-to-server integration with DCM (DoubleClick) to achieve greater accuracy. Instead of firing a pixel to track clicks or impressions, LinkedIn extracts account information from DCM Clicks tags and pushes data directly into the DCM account.
Customers should leverage one of these options:
  • Click trackers appended to a Destination URL
  • Third-party tracking in Campaign Manager Clicks Tag field
Clicks will be double counted in DCM if click tracking is set up via both methods.
  • To track only landing page clicks in DCM, set up click tracking via the Destination URL field. This will pass click data to DCM for users that click to the landing page via Destination URL, but it will not track other paid metrics like social actions.
  • To track all paid clicks in DCM, use the third-party Clicks Tag field. This will pass click tracking to DCM for all paid clicks, including social actions or followers.
Additional Notes:
  • The Sponsored Content Destination URL determines the landing page for Sponsored Content creative. Even though customers enter a click-through URL when creating DCM Clicks tags, we direct users to a landing page based on the Destination URL.
  • UTM codes will only be tracked if used in the Destination URL or if appended within a click tracker on the Destination URL. UTM codes are not tracked when included within the DCM Clicks Tag’s click-through URL (i.e. added via third-party tracking in Campaign Manager).
Learn more about setting up and managing third-party tracking for ad campaigns.

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