Post new jobs automatically on your LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 1 year ago

As a Page admin, you can automatically share your company’s new job listings as posts on your Page. Job listings associated with the Page are eligible for automatic posting, except for Basic Jobs.

Keep in mind that:

  • Jobs are posted a maximum of once a day, and each job listing is only posted once.

  • If a job is deleted, the corresponding Page post is automatically deleted.

  • The Page admin who activates the job post automation feature will have their name associated with the post in the admin view.

  • If the Page admin who activates job post automation is removed from the Page, the admin who removed the previous admin will have their name associated with the post in the admin view.

  • The default job post content is in the language of the admin who activates the feature.

Who can use this feature?

To post new jobs automatically, you must be an admin of a Page with fewer than 1,000 associated employees.

To turn on job post automation:

  1. Go to your Page super or content admin view.

  2. Click Settings in the left menu.

  3. Click Jobs.

  4. Turn on the Share new jobs toggle.

  5. In the When to share section, select Every day (recommended) or Saturday or Sunday.

  6. In the Post text section, you can select Custom text to customize the text that appears in all automated job posts (optional).

  7. Click the Save button in the upper-right corner.

After you create a new job, it can take up to 24 hours for the job to be posted on your Page. After a post is published, you can edit or delete it at any time.

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