Duplicate ads for a Classic campaign

Last updated: 2 months ago

You can duplicate ads in Classic campaigns to create variations of your ads or to quickly reuse your existing ads in other campaigns.

Who can use this feature?

You must have access to both the ad account and the associated LinkedIn Page to duplicate ads. On your ad account, you must have creative manager access or higher. On your Page, you must have super admin, content admin, or Sponsored Content poster access.

Depending on your needs, you can duplicate ads while creating or editing a campaign or you can duplicate ads to add them to existing campaigns. For example: 

  • If you need to create multiple ad variations within the same campaign, you can duplicate an ad to quickly make small changes.  
  • If you have high-performing ads that you would like to add to other existing campaigns, you can duplicate them to quickly add them to other campaigns.

There are some limitations to duplicating ads. You can't duplicate:

  • A post that's sponsored from a LinkedIn Page.
  • A document ad when used in a campaign with the website visits, website conversions, or lead generation objectives.

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