Difference between flagship and separate LinkedIn Product Pages

Last updated: 5 months ago

LinkedIn Product Pages allow organizations to highlight their products on LinkedIn. Page super or content admins can create a flagship product or a standard product, which each have different features.


Flagship products have the same name as your company. If you have a flagship product, your product information is combined with your Page and appears directly in the Product tab. Flagship products will also feature customers directly in the Page top card.

combined linkedin product page

You can have a flagship product as well as separate Product Pages.

Important to know

Your flagship product is integrated into, and a direct reflection of your Company Page. Your name, URL or logo for your flagship product can’t be changed.


If your Page has more than one product, or a single product with a different name from your Page, you can create separate Pages for each product. Each Product Page is linked in the Products tab.

separate linkedin product page

Here's a tip

If you want to convert your separate Product Page to a flagship Product Page, you’ll need to unpublish the Page and then create a new one using the flagship creation process. If you aren’t able to do this, please contact us.

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