LinkedIn Product Pages features

Last updated: 1 year ago

LinkedIn Product Pages help Page admins showcase their products to LinkedIn members. Product Pages have multiple features.

Here's a tip

Different features are available to Pages with flagship or separate Product Pages. If you want to convert your separate Product Page to a flagship Product Page, please contact us.

Product Page feature  Flagship Product Page  Separate Product Page
About - Description of your product.  ✓
Ask people about this product – Displays profiles of members who might be familiar with your product
Call-to-action button - Choose a call-to-action button for your product.
Connections skilled at this product - Members will see any connections who list the product as a skill on their profile. ✓ 
Connections who follow [company] - members will see up to 10 1st-degree connections who follow your Company Page. Visible on Page top card  
Featured Customers - Highlight customers (other Pages) who use your product. Highlighted customers are visible to Product Page visitors. Admins of highlighted Pages can contact support to be removed from this section. Visible on Page top card and Product Page Visible only on Product Page
Featured integrations – Show other products that your product can integrate with.
Lead gen forms - Collect quality leads from members who visit your Product Page.   ✓ 
Plans and pricing – Share the price tiers and free trial information for your product.
Product highlights - Feature selected posts from your Page on your product.
Product media - Images and videos to demonstrate your product.
Product recommendations - Page followers and visitors can provide feedback on your products through product recommendations. Product recommendations left by members are publicly visible on your Product Page.
Product users - Suggest job roles and positions for members who are likely to use your product, such as software engineers. ✓ 
Website - URL for your product's website.  ✓  ✓

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