Sender permission requests for Sponsored Messaging

Last updated: 6 months ago

When you create Sponsored Messaging ads, you can select the sender that appears to the members of your target audience. Members will see the sender on their LinkedIn Messaging. You can change the sender of your Sponsored Message ads by adding additional senders to your ad account. Different senders allow for increased personalization and message relevance.

To set up a sender for a Sponsored Messaging campaign, you need to send a permission request to the invited member. The invited member needs to accept the sender permission request to be added as a sender on the account.

Things to keep in mind before sending a sender permission request

Important to know

To use a company’s brand or name as a Sponsored Messaging sender, contact our customer support team.

  • Requests can only be sent to your 1st-degree connections.
  • Requests are sent to the member's primary email address on their LinkedIn account.
  • Requests can only be sent by users with account manager-level access on the ad account.
  • Members can only receive one request per account. If you have multiple accounts, you need to send the selected members one request from each account.
  • A Sponsored Messaging sender doesn't need to have access to the ad account for a request to be sent.

Things to keep in mind once a sender permission request has been sent

  • Once the invited member is sent the permission request, they have viewer access to the ad account in Campaign Manager.
  • If invited members approve but later reject their sender permission request for a specific account, or if they are removed from the account, then any Sponsored Messaging ads where they are the designated sender are canceled. This action cannot be reversed. If the campaign runs other ads that are not impacted by the change in sender, the campaign continues to be active. 
  • Senders with no LinkedIn profile images, or with profile images that are set to private, display a default silhouette profile image in Sponsored Messaging.

Things to check if the sender permission request wasn't received or if the invited member misplaced the sender permission email

  • Check that you've successfully sent a sender permission request. You can only send a request to your 1st-degree connections. To confirm the request was sent, check that the invited member appears in your campaign's sender list. You won't be able to set them as senders until they approve your request, but you can see them in the list once your request is successfully sent.
  • If you sent the sender permission request, click Copy request link on the right side of the invited member’s name in your campaign’s sender list. You can then send the link directly to the invited member using your preferred communication tool, for example, LinkedIn Messaging, chat, or email.
  • Check that the request email was sent to the primary email address of the invited member. Ask the invited member to check their email account associated with their LinkedIn account.
  • If you sent the request, you'll receive a copy of the request email at the primary email address associated with your LinkedIn account. You can use that email to follow up with the invited member.

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