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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: June 11, 2024

  1. Introduction
  2. Information We Collect
  3. Purposes for Processing Your Data
  4. Children’s Privacy
  5. How We Disclose the Information We Collect
  6. Retention of Your Data
  7. Security of Your Data
  8. Your Choices and Rights
  9. Additional Information For Residents Of California, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada
  10. Contact Us


1. Introduction

Lingokids is an interactive learning app and universe that surrounds your child with a modern curriculum to help them thrive in today’s changing world. At Monkimun Inc. and Monkimun Labs S.L., (collectively as data controllers “Lingokids,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), we are firmly committed to your privacy as well as the privacy of your child. We want you, as a parent and/or legal guardian (collectively “Parent(s)” to feel safe and have full confidence in our handling of your data, whether you use our mobile application (“App”), websites, or other services or otherwise interact with us (collectively referred to here as our “Services.”).

We’ve prepared this Privacy Policy to explain how and why we treat the personal information we collect, and how you can exercise your rights. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy carefully, and if you have any questions, please contact us as set forth in “Contact Us” below.

We may modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with applicable law at any given time. We try to always keep the Privacy Policy up to date. If we make a material change to the Privacy Policy, we’ll provide you with appropriate notice in accordance with legal requirements, such as by email. Also, we will solicit and obtain verifiable parental consent if our privacy practices change in a way that such consent becomes needed.


  • Parents are in control. Parents download our App and set up an account for their children as part of our initial setup process. We make it easy to see what your child is doing when they use our App.
  • The App is a closed ecosystem. Our Services are not designed to allow children to access the wider internet or share any personal information with anyone other than their parent.
  • Our promotional and store websites are designed for adults, and we use standard web tracking technology on these sites to support our advertising and analytics efforts. We may partner with third parties, who use industry-standard technologies such as cookies to track visitors to our adult-oriented websites. These third parties use this data to encourage adults to purchase our products and Services, including on other websites. As an adult, you can control this tracking by managing your cookie settings (for instance by using the cookie banner that appears on our promotional website) or otherwise by contacting us, as described in more detail below. We do not use data collected from children as part of our marketing efforts.
  • We strive to collect only the information we need to make our Services work. The App does not collect any biometric identifying information such as facial geometry or voice prints. While we may invite you to take part in more in-depth research sessions (with your consent), the App will not ask for your physical location or other sensitive information, such as race, sexual orientation, or health information.

2. Information We Collect 

At Lingokids, we generally collect and obtain information, including personal information, in three ways: directly from our users, automatically through your use of our Services, and from third parties in some situations. More details for each category can be found below.

A. Information You Provide to Us Directly:

Account Creation. We may collect the following personal information when you sign up for our Services (either the free version or our Plus version paid plans) or create an account on our website:

  • Contact information
    • Contact information: adult’s e-mail address.
    • Adult’s year of birth
    • Adult’s name (optional)
    • Adult’s relationship with child (optional)
  • Player information
    • Child’s first name or nickname (optional)
    • Child’s year of birth
  • Payment information

We do not directly collect or store any payment card information entered through our Services, and instead rely on third-party payment processors (such as Apple or Google) to handle these payments. However, if you make a purchase on our website or subscribe to our paid plans (Plus version) of the App, we may receive certain information about your purchase, such as:

    • Payment method (e.g. whether you used a Credit Card/PayPal),
    • Full name of bank card or PayPal cardholder; 
    • Shipping and/or Billing address;
    • Record of payment information for future purchases, with your consent.

Interactive Features 

When you use our Services, we and others who use our Services may also collect personal information that you share directly through our interactive features (e.g., comments you may post on our social media pages. Any information you provide using the public sharing features of the Services will be considered “public,” unless otherwise required by applicable law, and is not subject to the privacy protections referenced in this Privacy Policy. Please exercise caution before revealing any information that may identify you in the real world to other users. The interactive features are not present within the child-directed properties of our Services.

Voice and camera access 

The App also allows parents to enable access to the device’s microphone and camera. Voice, images, and video are never transmitted off the device or collected by Lingokids, and Lingokids does not store and cannot access audio or visual recordings on the user’s device. The App includes certain interactive games for which spoken responses are required to advance and complete activities. Although our speech recognition technology records and recognizes the user’s answers in order to correctly develop the activity or game and its functionalities, the technology does not collect any information that would identify individual speakers, such as a voice print. Moreover, the recording is only stored on your devices. This information does not travel and is not stored on our systems or servers, nor can it be accessed, played or broadcast by us.

You can check the permission settings of your device to see what information the App may access. That said, if you disable access to the device’s microphone and camera, certain features or functions of the App may not work properly.

Feedback Data

We may collect additional personal information when parents or adults voluntarily complete a customer survey, participate in our customer forums and panels, or provide feedback on any of our Services.

Product and Content Research and Development Activities

On occasion, we may contact you and other users to ask you to participate in optional interviews, surveys, or qualitative research sessions. These surveys will be conducted with your express consent only, and the categories of personal information we collect and the purposes for which they are gathered will be disclosed to you in advance of each session.

Your Communications with Us

When you contact us, such as to request customer support or to partner with us, we may collect your name and surname, email address, and any other information you provide us during our communication.

Sweepstakes or Contests

We may collect personal information you provide for any sweepstakes or contests that we offer. In some jurisdictions, we are required to publicly share information (such as names and addresses) of sweepstakes and contest winners. This section does not apply to children.

Conferences, Trade Shows, and Other Events

We may collect personal information from individuals when we attend or host conferences, trade shows, and other events.

Business Development and Strategic Partnerships

We may collect personal information from individuals and third parties to assess and pursue potential business opportunities. 

Job Applications

We may post job openings and opportunities on our Services. If you respond to one of these postings, we may collect your personal information, such as your application, CV, cover letter, and/or any other information you provide to us.

B. Information Collected Automatically

We collect certain information automatically when you use our Services. This information may vary, but primarily includes the following:

App and website activity and usage data

  • Types of content viewed, downloaded, or interacted with
  • Functions used and actions performed
  • Information on when a user takes a screenshot within the app (note that we cannot see the contents of the screenshot)
  • Frequency of use and duration of the activities and games
  • Progress and achievements: activities completed, curriculum progress, grades, and progress reports (Plus version)
  • Activation of notifications, including push notifications (collected only from users who have completed the onboarding process)
  • Session duration
  • Device and other mobile identifiers, including cookies
  • IP address
  • General device location data (derived from IP address)
  • Internet service provider
  • User settings

Crash Reports. If you provide crash reports, we may collect personal information related to such crash reports, including detailed diagnostic information about your device and the activities that led to the crash.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We and our service providers also collect data through cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, and other technologies (“Technologies”). These technologies collect information about your use of our Services.

For information about our automatic information collection practices, please see our Cookie Policy.

C. Data We Collect from Third Parties and Other Sources

We also obtain and receive information about you from our service providers and other third parties with whom we have relationships, both from your use of our App and from other interactions you have with us on other platforms. 

Third-Party Services and Sources. We may obtain personal information about you from third-party services and organizations. For example, if you access our services through a third-party login service such as your Apple ID, we may collect personal information about you from that third-party application or service that you have made available via your privacy settings.

Third-Party Analytics. We use web analytics tools and services provided by our service providers and partners to support our marketing and user acquisition efforts for adults. These tools allow us to know and track audiences of adult users and potential users by looking at their interactions and visits to our websites, the App, publications, and content on our profiles on social networks and platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Spotify). We may also receive information from third parties regarding the ads adults view and click on YouTube or the Internet. 

Third-party Survey Platforms. Also, when we contact you to conduct research sessions or you participate in interviews or conduct surveys, your contact information (email) may be provided to us by third party platforms or agencies from user dashboards generated from databases in which you voluntarily enrolled.

3. Purposes for Processing Your Data 

We use your information for a variety of business purposes, including to provide our Services, for administrative purposes, and to market our products and Services, as described below.

A. Provide Our Services

We use your information to fulfill our contract with you and provide you with our Services, such as:

  1. Managing your information and accounts;
  2. Providing access to certain areas, functionalities, and features of our Services;
  3. Evaluating the child’s use of the app, as well as the child’s participation, to provide you with regular reports on your child’s progress
  4. Answering requests for customer or technical support;
  5. Communicating with you about your account, activities on our Services, and policy changes;
  6. Processing your financial information and other payment methods for products or Services purchased;
  7. Authenticating and verifying individual identities, including requests to exercise your rights under this Privacy Policy;
  8. Debugging to identify and repair errors with our Services;

Additional information for EU residents: The legal basis for the above processing activities is the performance of a contract between you and Monkimun.

B. Administrative Purposes

We use your information for various administrative purposes, such as:

  1. Pursuing our legitimate interests such as direct marketing of similar products and services, requesting customer feedback, network and information security, and fraud prevention;
  2. Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity;
  3. Measuring interest and engagement in our Services;
  4. Short-term, transient use, such as contextual customization ads;
  5. Improving, upgrading, or enhancing our Services;
  6. Developing new products and services;
  7. Ensuring internal quality control and safety;

Additional information for EU residents: The legal basis for the above processing activities is the legitimate interest of our Company, taking into account your fundamental rights and freedoms with respect to your personal data.

C. Legal Obligations

We use your information to comply with applicable legal obligations, such as:

  1. Auditing relating to interactions, transactions, and other compliance activities;
  2. Enforcing our agreements and policies; and
  3. Carrying out activities that are required to comply with our legal obligations.

Additional information for EU residents: The legal basis for the above processing activities is Article 6(1)(c) GDPR as it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which our Company is subject.

D. Marketing and Advertising our Products and Services

We may use personal information you provide to send you promotional content via email messages (newsletter), push notifications, and in-app messages. The frequency of these messages and the decision to send them may depend on certain actions you as an adult take in relation to our Service (e.g. starting a trial), as well as on certain in-app or other activities, such as when you last opened the newsletter or the app. We do not use information collected from children or from areas of the app directed at children to market or advertise our products and services.

Additionally, we partner with third-party ad networks, publishers, and other advertising companies to display our ads on other sites or apps. We may use certain personal information collected on such third-party sites or apps and later recorded within our systems to measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. 

Finally, we use cookies or similar technologies for technical purposes and, with your consent, for other purposes as specified in our Cookie Policy

We do not engage, and will never do so without your prior consent, in any targeted, interest-based or behavioral advertising. We also never share your personal information for any third-party advertising. 

We do not use behavioral advertising based on information collected from children or within child-directed properties of our Services. 

Additional information for EU residents: The legal basis for the above processing activities, if ever conducted, would be your consent.

E. With Your Consent

In addition to our marketing activities described above, we may use personal information for other purposes that are clearly disclosed to you at the time you provide personal information, or with your separate consent.

F. Other Purposes

We also use your personal information for other purposes as requested by you or as permitted by applicable law.

  • De-identified and Aggregated Information. We may use personal information to create de-identified and/or aggregated information (for example, aggregate reports detailing the total number of users we have in a given jurisdiction).

4. Children’s Privacy

We know that children deserve special, enhanced privacy protections. That’s why we develop our App and Services to ensure that parents, caregivers, and guardians are in control. We require an adult to register their child and provide the child’s information to establish an account; in particular, we collect the child’s first name (optional) so that you can easily distinguish between different profiles and the child’s year of birth (optional) for content personalization purposes.

Once the parent has created the child’s account, then we strive to collect only as much information about a child player as is reasonably necessary for the child to participate in the educational activities in our Services. We do not condition a child’s use of our Services on their disclosure of more information than is reasonably necessary.

How We Use Your Child’s Information. We use the information we collect to improve our website and to deliver a better and more personalized experience. For example, we may use your child’s information to:

  • Estimate our customer size and usage patterns.
  • Store information about the child’s preferences, allowing us to customize the content according to individual interests.
  • Generate regular reports on your child’s progress, using artificial intelligence, so that you can be part of your child’s learning journey, see your child’s strengths and areas for improvement and explore other resources inside and outside the app to support your child’s learning progress. You can object to this processing of your child’s data at any time through the channels provided. 
  • Speed up your searches.

Our Practices for Disclosing Children’s Information. We do not share, sell, rent, or transfer children’s personal information other than as described in this section:

  • If a Parent opts to share content from the app (e.g., achievements) we will provide the content via shareable links with secure tokens.
  • We may disclose aggregated information about many of our users, and information that does not identify any individual.

In addition, we may disclose children’s Personal Information:

  • To third parties we use to support the internal operations of our website or Services, data processors, and who are bound by contractual or other obligations to use the information only for such purpose and to keep the information confidential.
  • If we are required to do so by law or legal processes, such as to comply with any valid court order or subpoena or to respond to any valid request from a governmental, regulatory, or law enforcement entity.


Accessing and Correcting Your Child’s Personal Information. At any time, you may review the child’s Personal Information maintained by us, require us to correct or delete the Personal Information, and/or refuse to permit us from further collecting or using the child’s Personal Information. You can review, change, or delete your child’s personal information by sending us a request here: or emailing us at To protect your privacy and security, we may require you to take certain steps or provide additional information to verify your identity before we provide any information or make corrections.

If we learn that we mistakenly collected any personal information from a child (as defined based on the minimum age for data collection in their jurisdiction), we will delete it immediately, unless we have a legal obligation to retain it, and then disable the child’s account.

Lingokids is audited and certified by the kidSAFE Seal Program, and complies with its standards and requirements for online security and privacy. You can see Lingokids’ certification by visiting its page.

5. How we Disclose the Information We Collect

We may disclose your information to third parties as set out below:

A. Service Providers:

We may use a variety of third parties to help provide the services.  This includes companies providing IT services, business tools or IT infrastructure such as hosting providers, CRMs, emailing service companies, and payment processing, customer service, services that process and administer consumer surveys and related services. Such companies are data processors of Lingokids and we have proper data processing agreements in place with them.

We take appropriate contractual, legal, technical, and organizational measures designed to ensure that your personal information is treated securely.

B. Business Partners

We may share your personal information with business partners to provide you with a product or service you have requested. We may also share your personal information with business partners with whom we jointly offer products or services, under appropriate legal bases (where applicable).

C. Advertising Partners

We may share your personal information with third-party advertising partners, under appropriate legal bases (where applicable). In addition to information we may share directly, these third-party advertising partners may set Technologies and other tracking tools on our Services to collect information regarding your activities and your device (e.g., your IP address, cookie identifiers, page(s) visited, location, time of day), under appropriate legal bases (where applicable). These advertising partners may use this information (and similar information collected from other services) for purposes of delivering personalized advertisements to you when you visit digital properties within their networks, under appropriate legal bases (where applicable). This practice is commonly referred to as “interest-based advertising” or “personalized advertising.” Note that we do not use behavioral advertising based on information collected from children or within child-directed properties of our Services.

D. Disclosures to Protect Us or Others

We may access, preserve, and disclose any information we store associated with you to external parties if we, in good faith, believe doing so is required or appropriate to: comply with law enforcement or national security requests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; protect your, our, or others’ rights, property, or safety; enforce our policies or contracts; collect amounts owed to us; or assist with an investigation or prosecution of suspected or actual illegal activity, as permitted by Law.

E. Disclosure in the Event of Merger, Sale, or Other Asset Transfers

If we are involved in an actual or proposed merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, purchase or sale of assets, or transition of service to another provider, your information may be sold or transferred in connection with such a transaction, as permitted by law and/or contract, to the extent permitted by law.

6. Retention of Your Data

We will retain your information for as long as needed to provide you with our Services, and after that, as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements, and during the statute of limitations for legal actions.

7. Security of Your Data

We have implemented appropriate security measures designed to ensure the security of your personal information and prevent its alteration, loss, and treatment and/or unauthorized access.

While we have implemented measures designed to secure your data, no website or Internet transmission is completely secure and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we do not accept liability for unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or loss of personal information.

By using our Services or providing personal information to us and to the extent permitted by law, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of our Services. If we learn of a security system breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically by posting a notice on our Services, by mail, or by sending an email to you.

8. Your Choices and Rights

  • Account Information: You may update, correct, or modify information about you at any time by logging into your account or emailing us at Email communications: You can opt out of receiving promotional communications from us by following the instructions in those communications or by emailing us at If you choose to opt-out, we will still send you non-promotional communications, such as those about your account.
  • “Do Not Track” / “Global Privacy Control”: Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. Additionally, some browsers or plug-ins use a “Global Privacy Control” (“GPC”), which you can learn more about at Please note that we do not respond to or honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms transmitted by web browsers. However, if our site detects a GPC signal from your device, we will interpret it as a Do Not Sell request where required under applicable law, and we will also interpret it as a request to limit the sale or sharing of personal information for targeted advertising for residents of the European Economic Area, the UK, China, and Brazil.

The laws of your jurisdiction may provide you with certain rights regarding personal data. Depending on the laws where you live, you may have the right to:

  • Access Personal Information about you, including: (i) confirming whether we are processing your personal information; (ii) obtaining access to or a copy of your personal information;
  • Request Correction of your personal information where it is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated. In some cases, we may provide self-service tools that enable you to update your personal information;
  • Request Deletion, Anonymization or Blocking of your personal information when processing is based on your consent or when processing is unnecessary, excessive or non-compliant;
  • Request Restriction of or Object to our processing of your personal information when processing is non-compliant;
  • Withdraw your Consent to our processing of your personal information. Please note that your withdrawal will only take effect for future processing and will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal.
  • Request data portability and receive an electronic copy of the personal information that you have provided to us;
  • Be informed about third parties with which your personal information has been shared; and
  • Request the review of decisions taken exclusively based on automated processing.

You may exercise your rights by contacting us as set forth below, or using the following form:

Supervisory Authority. If your personal information is subject to the applicable data protection laws of Australia, Brazil, the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority or attorney general if you believe our processing of your personal information violates applicable law:


9. Additional Information for Residents of California, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada


A. Personal Information We Collect And Share

The information we have collected within the last twelve (12) months about you, as well as the categories of third parties with whom we have shared this information, are described in the table below.

Category of Personal Information Collected by Monkimun Category of Third Parties Personal Information is Disclosed to for a Business Purpose Category of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information is Sold And/or Shared


A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, other similar identifiers.

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers

Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))

A name, physical characteristics or description, address, financial information.

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers
  • Service providers
  • Data analytics providers

Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law

Age, and optional national origin, citizenship, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender) (if participating in optional surveys).

  • Service providers
  • Data analytics providers
  • Service providers
  • Data analytics providers

Commercial information

Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers
  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers

Internet or other electronic network activity

Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement.

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers
  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers

Sensory data

Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information.

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers
  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers

Inferences drawn from other personal information to create a profile about a consumer

Profile reflecting a consumer’s preferences, characteristics, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers
  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Data analytics providers



We may use or disclose the Personal Information we collect for the purposes outlined in Purposes for Processing Your Data above. Where required under applicable law, we will not collect additional categories of Personal Information or use the Personal Information we have collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without first providing you notice.



Lingokids does not “sell” personal information, nor do we have actual knowledge of any “sale” of personal information of minors under 16 years of age as the term “sell” is commonly understood. That said, we may share information collected from parents with third-party advertising partners for the purpose of promoting our Services as described above. You may limit such sharing by following the instructions found above in the section titled “Your Choices and Rights,” or by contacting us as set forth in “Contact Us” below.



Subject to applicable law, if you are a resident of California, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, or Colorado, you may have the following rights:

  • To Know and Access: to obtain a copy of the specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you. (Note that this right only applies to Personal Information relating to you, and not to any other user.)
  • Deletion: to request that we delete your Personal Information. This right may be limited to the extent that we are permitted or required by applicable law to retain certain information. (Note that if you request deletion of your Personal Information, you may no longer be able to use or access the Services. If you decide to use or access the Services again, we may consider this a new account, and may collect Personal Information associated with that account in accordance with this Privacy Policy.)
  • Opt-Out of “Sale” and Certain Sharing Practices: you have the right to opt-out of certain information sharing practices with third parties who do not act as our service providers. In some states, like California, this information sharing may qualify as a “share” or a “sale,” while in other states, like Virginia, this information sharing may qualify as “targeted advertising” (collectively, “personalized advertising”). If you wish to opt-out of personalized advertising, you can opt out of said sharing by following the instructions in “Your Choices and Rights” above, or by contacting us as set forth below.
  • Correction: to request the correction of inaccurate Personal Information that we may have on file about you.
  • Obtain additional details regarding our information practices: You may have the right to request disclosures regarding our information practices. (Note that this information is generally available in this Privacy Policy).

We will not discriminate against you, in terms of price or services that we offer, if you exercise any of the rights listed above.

Verification and Appeal Process: We are required by law to take reasonable steps to verify your identity prior to responding to your request. Please note that your exercise of these rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g., the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g., the maintenance of legal privilege). If we are unable to process your request via you authenticating yourself on the Services, we may verify your request by asking for information sufficient to confirm your identity, such as your name, email address, and phone number. Requests to exercise these rights may be granted in whole, in part, or not at all, depending on the scope and nature of the request and as permitted by applicable law. Where required by applicable law, we will notify you if we reject your request, and notify you of the reasons we are unable to honor your request.

If you are a resident of Colorado, Virginia, or Connecticut, you have the right to appeal a request we deny when we have verified your identity and still decline to honor your request. The process for that appeal will be sent to you separately if your request is denied.

Authorized Agent: Depending on where you live, you may have the right to use an authorized agent on their behalf to exercise a privacy right discussed above. If you are an authorized agent acting on behalf of a user to communicate with us or to exercise a privacy right discussed above, you must be able to demonstrate that you have the requisite authorization to act on behalf of the user, and have sufficient access to that user’s laptop, desktop, or mobile device to exercise that user’s right digitally. If you are an authorized agent trying to exercise rights on behalf of one of our users, then you can make a request on the user’s behalf by contacting us as set forth below in the “Contact Us” section: Such requests must include the following information: (1) a written authorization from the consumer that includes the consumer’s full name, address, telephone number and valid email address used by the consumer to interact with us, that is signed by the consumer and clearly bestows upon the agent the proper authority; and (2) a certificate of good standing with your state of organization.  Alternatively, an acting agent can provide a valid power of attorney signed by the consumer on the agent’s behalf and a valid email address used by the consumer to interact with us.  The email address of the consumer will be used to separately verify the agent’s authority with the consumer.

Refer-a-Friend, Promotions, and Similar Incentive Programs: We may offer referral programs, promotions such as sweepstakes, or other incentivized information collection programs. We may offer incentives to you such as discounts or promotional items or credit in connection with these programs, wherein you provide Personal Information regarding your friends or colleagues (such as their email address) and receive rewards when they sign up to use our Services. (The referred party may also receive rewards for signing up via your referral.) Alternatively, we may ask you to provide your Personal Information in exchange for a reward or participation in a promotion. These programs are entirely voluntary and allow us to grow our business and provide additional benefits to you. The value of your information to us depends on how you ultimately use our Services, whereas the value of the referred party’s information to us depends on whether the referred party ultimately uses our Services. Said value will be reflected in the incentive offered in connection with each program. You may withdraw from the incentives at any time. In order to withdraw from the financial incentive, please contact us as described below.

De-Identified Information. If we create or receive de-identified information, we will not attempt to reidentify such information, except to comply with applicable law.

Right for minors to remove posted content. Where required by law, California residents under the age of 18 may request to have their posted content or information removed from the publicly-viewable portions of the Services by contacting us directly as set forth in Contact Us below or logging into their account and removing the content or information using our self-service tools.


If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal information to third parties who intend to license or sell that personal information. You can exercise this right by contacting us at with the subject line “Nevada Do Not Sell Request” and providing us with your name and the email address associated with your account.  Please note that we do not currently sell your personal information as sales are defined in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A. If you have any questions, please contact us as set forth in Contact Us below.

“Shine the Light” Disclosure

The California “Shine the Light” law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to request information about whether we disclose certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties for their direct marketing purposes.  To make such a request, please email us at

10. Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you should contact us by email at or using our webform at

Mailing address:

Monkimun Inc.

2810 N Church St., PMB 42597, Wilmington, DE 19802-4447, USA

Telephone: +34 914 51 13 43

Monkimun Labs S.L.

Calle de la Princesa 25, 6.6

28008 Madrid

Teléfono: +34 914 51 13 43

CIF B-8737934