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Your search for English language UK Draft Statutory Instruments has returned more than 200 results.

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

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The Licensing Act 2003 (UEFA European Football Championship Licensing Hours) Order 2024
Superseded by 2024 No. 701
2024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Magistrates' Courts Fees (Amendment) Order 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Students’ Unions (Freedom of Speech) (Monetary Penalties) (England) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Energy Act 2023 (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2024
Superseded by 2024 No. 706
2024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) (Amendment) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The European Forest Institute (Immunities and Privileges) Order 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Amendment) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Armed Forces Act 2006 (Continuation) Order 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Ombudsman Scheme) (Fees) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Reporting on Payment Practices and Performance (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings (Prudential Requirements) (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2024
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-348-26319-0
2024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) Order 2024
Replaced by new draft ISBN 978-0-348-26257-5
2024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Government of Wales Act 2006 (Devolved Welsh Authorities) (Amendment) Order 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Ivory Act 2018 (Meaning of “Ivory” and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Separation of Waste (England) (No. 2) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Information Sharing (Disclosure by the Registrar) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (Protection and Disclosure of Information and Consequential Amendments) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Registrar (Identity Verification and Authorised Corporate Service Providers) Regulations 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Global Combat Air Programme International Government Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Order 20242024UK Draft Statutory Instruments
The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Requisite and Minimum Custodial Periods) Order 2024
Superseded by 2024 No. 844
2024UK Draft Statutory Instruments

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