The Science component provides children with a comprehensive education by promoting active exploration and curiosity which creates a well-rounded and robust learning experience for our young ones.
Your child will have the skills to write answers that meet exam criteria and excel in science exams.
With KooBits Science, you can let your child drive their own learning. Our detailed video explanations, practice questions, and motivating rewards are designed for self-directed learning. You can trust that learning on KooBits Science will help your child do well with exams and assignments in school.
No, KooBits is not an online tuition. There are no tutors or live lessons.
It’s an online platform that motivates kids to practice online consistently. Students are free to learn by themselves for as long as they want. This is a powerful way of learning that boosts knowledge retention and naturally leads to more practice sessions than traditional methods. In fact, some parents told us that their kids ask them for more practice time with KooBits!
The school’s version does not have KooBits Science included. There are currently no plans to add KooBits Science to the existing school plan.
One of the main difficulties children face is in expressing Science concepts in proper scientific terms. They also tend to misunderstand or misinterpret certain Science concepts when applied to different contexts.
For example, “like poles of magnets repel each other” vs “like poles of magnets reject each other” – some children may not see a difference in the two ways of expressing, but scientifically, it is not correct to say that the magnets reject each other.
Another example, “Spiders are insects” – some children may overgeneralise the animal group of insects to also include spiders because spiders do look like insects. Misconceptions like these are formed overtime, and can lead to loss of marks in exams if not corrected early.
KooBits helps children to get exposed to common misconceptions & keywords through bite-sized video lessons. These lessons help them familiarize with these common challenges in a more interactive way. And because these important concepts are delivered to them in a fun, interactive and engaging manner, they retain knowledge a lot better than memorizing textbooks. This will pay off during exams when they are more likely to recall these concepts.