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Commutation of Sentence

The President can commute (reduce) a sentence imposed by a federal court or the District of Columbia Superior Court. Use the commutation application if you are seeking relief from a prison sentence, fine, or restitution. A new version of the commutation application form was published in December 2023; however, if you applied using the old form, and your application is still pending, you do not need to reapply. 

Apply for commutation (English)

Solicita la conmutación (Español)


  • Standards for considering commutation petitions (Justice Manual Section 9-140.113)
  • Special instructions pertaining to a request for commutation of a death sentence (
  • If you have previously applied for commutation and have received a notice that your application was denied, there is no waiting period to reapply.
  • The Office of the Pardon Attorney does not process requests for commutation (reduction) of sentences from persons convicted of offenses in military courts-martial. Military commutation requests are handled by the military branch that handled the conviction and sentencing.


Updated August 22, 2024