Jury Frequently Asked Questions

This section provides you with answers to frequently asked questions, this is intended to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain valuable information and provide you with a greater understanding of what is required of a juror.

Jury Notice FAQs

  • I have received a Jury Notice – what do I need to do?

If you have received a jury notice, you must complete the Form of Return within 14 days from the date you received the notice.  You can do this online or alternatively complete the ‘Form of Return’ at the back of the notice booklet and return it to the Customer Service Centre by post.

Additional information on receiving a Jury Notice can be obtained here; Receiving a jury notice


  • How do I apply for an excusal?

You cannot apply for a general excusal at the Notice stage. At this stage the only reasons for not completing jury service are that you do not qualify, you are disqualified, ineligible or excusable as a right.  You can find more information on these at Exemptions from jury service or within the Notice book received.

  • Do I need to supply evidence with my excusal request?

Evidence is not required at this stage but can be requested at any time to support your application and must be provided if requested.  Please note that providing false information is an offence punishable by a Fine of up to £1000.

  • I can’t do jury service due to medical grounds – what do I need to do?

At Notice stage the only medical grounds that allow you to be exempt is if you have a mental health disorder as outlined in ‘The Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986’.  The evidence you are required to produce is a medical certificate from your GP outlining that you have a mental health disorder as outlined in ‘The Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986’ that should accompany your ‘Form of Return’.  Please note that anxiety and depression do not fall under this order.   


You should not be charged to receive a medical certificate under the law (General Medical Services Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 - Regulation 42).  

  • What does Jury Service entail?

Information can be found online in relation to this using the following links Attending court as a juror and What happens at a jury trial

  • Can I carry out jury service if I have a conviction?

Having a criminal conviction does not automatically rule you out of jury service.  This is clarified online at Exemptions from jury service under the sub-heading ‘Disqualified’. If after reading the section A of your Notice Booklet regarding criminal convictions and you still believe that you are disqualified, then you are required to complete your form of return either online or by post.  You must complete the relevant section providing conviction details.  The Customer Service Centre will then complete a criminal record check and contact you via letter regarding the outcome. 

Jury Summons/Empanelment FAQs

  • I can’t attend – what should I do?

You should receive your summons at least 10 days before you are due to attend at court.  This is deemed enough time to make essential adjustment or changes to allow you to attend as summoned. 

If, however, you cannot attend for good reason you can make an application to defer your service or be excused for a period of time or for a particular trial. Your application must be made in writing by post or email only.  Postal and email addresses are both shown on your jury summons.

  • How do I apply for an excusal or deferral?

Information is available at Summoned to jury service sub-heading ‘Apply for an excusal or deferral’.

To make an application for deferral or excusal you must complete part II of the Jury Summons and provide supporting documentation which must be submitted in writing to the Customer Service Centre.  This must be done either by post to the Customer Service Centre postal and email addresses are both shown on the summons. 

If you are applying for an excusal or deferral within 7 days from the date in which you are required to attend court, please submit any of these requests directly to the court office in which you are due to appear as the Customer Service Centre are unable to deal with your application from this point.




  • How can I be fully excused?

If you would like to be fully excused from jury service when you receive your summons you will need to make an application to the Customer Service Centre.  You must complete part 2 & 3 of the Jury Summons and provide supporting documentation which must be submitted in writing to the Customer Service Centre.  This must be done either by post to the Customer Service Centre postal and email addresses are both shown on the summons.  You may be excused fully depending on the reason and evidence.

  • Where do I send my deferral or excusal request?

Your deferral or excusal request  together with your supporting documentation should be submitted in writing to the Customer Service Centre.  This must be done either by post to the Customer Service Centre at the address on your summons or by email to customerservicecentre@courtsni.gov.uk

If you are applying for an excusal or deferral within 7 days from the date in which you are required to attend court, please submit any of these requests directly to the court office in which you are due to appear as the Customer Service Centre are unable to deal with your application from this point.

  • Do I need to supply evidence with my excusal request?

Yes, you must supply supporting evidence with your excusal request. Examples of supporting evidence are a medical certificate from your GP, letter from your college or university confirming your attendance, booking confirmation or tickets or any other additional evidence you think may support your application.

You should not be charged to receive a medical certificate to support an excusal/deferral request under the law (General Medical Services Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 - Regulation 42).

Please note that applications submitted without evidence will not be considered and will be returned to you.


  • I sent an application for excusal/deferral but haven’t heard back – do I have to attend?

If you have not received confirmation of your deferral or excusal application, you MUST attend court as outlined in the summons.


  • I have lost my jury summons – what do I need to do?

If you have lost your jury summons you must contact the  Customer Service Centre for duplicate information. 


  • I am over 70 – do I need to attend for Jury Service?

No, you do not need to attend for Jury Service, if you are over 70 years old.  However, you must still request to be excused from jury service under these grounds.  If you are over 70 years old this application will be accepted.  The Customer Service Centre does not require evidence that you are over 70 years old as they already hold information on your date of birth.

Please note that if you are over 70 years old and wish to attend as a juror please attend as per your summons.


There is additional information available online in relation to this at Exemptions from jury service

  • I am a carer – do I need to attend for jury service?

Yes, you are required to attend for jury service, however you can apply for excusal on these grounds with supporting evidence. Further information in respect of exemptions from jury service can be obtained at Exemptions from jury service


  • I work night shifts – do I need to attend for jury service?

If you work night shift you should contact the jury officer when you are summoned to court for guidance on your night shift hours.  Requests for excusal or deferral from shift or night workers will be considered on a case by case basis. You may have to apply for deferral or excusal which can only be done at the summons stage not at the point of Notice as your circumstances may have changed from when the Notice was issued.  You will need to provide supporting documentation from your employer confirming you work night shifts.  

  • I am unwell and can’t attend – what do I need to do?

If you have became ill on the days that you are summoned to court or in the period that your number has been selected to attend for jury service, you must contact the court office that you are due to attend before 9:30 on the morning that you are due to attend.  Please note that you may be required to supply a medical certificate from your GP.

If you are sworn in as a juror on a jury trial, you must contact the court office before 9:30am as the hearing may be unable to continue in your absence.  Please note that you may be required to supply medical evidence.


  • I have a holiday booked during jury service – can I be excused?

You will not be excused but you may be entitled to receive a partial excusal or to have your jury service deferred depending on the length of time you are away.  You must provide supporting documentation such as booking confirmation or tickets.

More Information can be found at Summoned to jury service


  • What is the Juryline? How do I use it and when?

The Juryline is a freephone telephone service that you must call after 5pm the day before you are due to first appear for jury service and every evening thereafter until directed otherwise by the court.  The jury line will provide you with information such as what jury panel numbers are due to attend and at what time.  This information is also published each evening at Jury Panel Information

You can use either method to check each evening after 5pm.

If you are phoning the juryline the number is 0800 032 7080 (freephone) you must then select your venue code and listen to the important information to follow, you can listen to this recorded message as many times as you may find necessary. 

If you prefer to use the online facility, select jury panel information, and scroll to the court venue that you are required to attend.  You can read the message which will be the same information recorded on the telephone juryline service.


  • Can I find out in advance when I’ll be required to attend as it’s disruptive to phone each evening after 5pm?

No unfortunately this information is not provided before 5pm however you can also check Jury Panel Information

If you are however selected onto a jury panel the judge may inform you of when you are to attend court in order for the case to proceed.


  • How long will I need to attend?

The jury summons will detail the approximate length of the panel is 4 weeks however if you are selected to serve on a jury panel you will be required to attend for the duration of the trial and until a verdict has been reached.  You can also be selected to sit on more than one trial during the period you have been summoned.  In addition to this you may be summoned more than once in the 12-month period.


  • Can I use my phone, laptop, or any other devices during jury service?

You may use your phone, laptop, or other device in the waiting room however, you may not use any device such as a telephone, laptop etc during your jury service. If you are carrying a mobile phone, laptop etc. you will be asked to hand it to the jury keepers when you go into the jury room.  If there is anything you need such as phoning relatives or employers, please ask the jury keepers. 

It is also important to note that if you are selected as a juror on a trial, you must not research anyone participating in the trial, you must not publish any information about the trial as decisions must be based solely on the evidence you hear during the trial and nothing outside of this should influence your decision making.


  • Where is the best place to park and will I be reimbursed for parking charges?

Information about the court you are due to attend, including parking information, can be found in the court office information leaflets (external link opens in a new window / tab).

Yes, parking charges are reimbursed however you must provide receipts for parking when submitting your expense form.  If you do not provide accurate receipts, you will not be reimbursed.


For further information in respect of parking you should contact the court which you have been summoned to and for further information in respect of parking tickets you should contact  the Customer Service Centre.


  • Can my employer dismiss me because I can’t attend work due to jury service?

If you are dismissed because you have been called for or completed jury service, you can claim unfair dismissal.

You should be aware that if your employer told you that your absence would have a serious effect on their business and you didn’t make a request for deferral or excusal of your jury service, this may affect any claim that you make for unfair dismissal.


  • Does my employer have to pay me for the days I can’t attend work due to jury service?

Your employer does not have to pay you while you're on jury service. But you can claim from the court for travel, food expenses and loss of earnings.  You will need to get your employer to fill out a Certificate of Loss of Earnings to claim for loss of earnings. But there are limits on the amount that you can claim.  You can find out more about how much you can claim at Claiming juror allowances

  • Do I need to bring refreshments, and will I be reimbursed?

Yes, you will need to bring your own refreshments and lunch as these are not provided by the court. You will only be reimbursed if you are away from your home or place of work for more than 5 hours, and you are required to provide receipts. You can find out more about how much you can claim at Meal Allowance


Sworn Jurors FAQs

  • Can I refuse to look at evidence I might find distressing?

No unfortunately you cannot refuse to look at evidence that you may find distressing as evidence forms the basis of which you and your jury peers will come to the decision.  A verdict is based solely on the evidence provided in court and in some cases this evidence may cause distress.

  • The trial Judge may offer counselling services to sworn jurors at the conclusion of extremely difficult or high profile trials. More information will be provided about this free and confidential service following the Judge’s direction.
  • Can I leave the building at lunch time if I am a sworn juror?

No unfortunately you are unable to leave the courthouse until the judge dismisses you for the day.  Please ensure that you have everything you may require for days that you will be in court. 

  • I am concerned that I may be liable to intimidation from the defendants or recognised by them in the future – how can I address these concerns?

If you feel intimidated or are approached during the trial, please bring this to the attention of the Jury Keeper.

If you feel intimidated after the trial or at any time that you are not on the court premises, please contact the PSNI and inform them of this concern.

What are my legal responsibilities as a juror?

By serving on a jury, you are fulfilling a very important public service, and this means you have some important legal responsibilities. More information can be found in this booklet: Your legal responsibilities as a juror. A copy will be available to read in the jury room.

Expenses FAQs

  • How do I apply for expenses and what can I claim for?

To claim for Jury Expenses you need to complete a Juror Expense Claim Form. A PDF copy of this form can be accessed online at Jury Expense Form(external link opens in a new window / tab) where you can also access a guidance document to help you complete the form. The form can either be completed directly on the PDF document by typing in the fillable fields or can be printed and completed by hand. If you are unable to access this online you can request a printed copy from the court you are attending.

You should submit this form together with receipts and any other supporting documentation by e-mail to jurorexpenses@courtsni.gov.uk or by post to the Customer Service Centre(external link opens in a new window / tab).  Please note if you do not supply receipts, you will not be reimbursed.  You must also provide your bank details for payment to be made and finally you must sign and date the declaration and ensure that your juror number is recorded on the form if you are separating it from your summons.

Please note that if you leave the ‘bank details’ section blank or your bank details cannot be read clearly then payment will be issued to you by way of cheque.

If you are claiming for loss of earnings your employer needs to complete a different form which you should sent together with your completed form. These forms can be accessed online at Jury Expense Form(external link opens in a new window / tab).


If you are self-employed some evidence of your financial loss, such as an accountant’s letter or self-assessment tax return should be submitted with your claim.

  • What evidence do I need to submit with my expenses claim?

You will need to submit receipts to support your expense form.  If you are claiming for childcare, you must produce proof of this expense.  If you are employed/unemployed you must have the certificate on the expense form completed by your employer or Social Security Office. If you are self-employed some evidence of your financial loss, such as an accountant’s letter or self-assessment tax return should be submitted with your claim.

  • When will I be paid?

On verification of a correctly-completed expense form, payment will be made to you. You will receive a remittance advice by post to confirm the amount you have been paid.

  • How will I be paid?

You will be paid directly into the bank account that you have provided details of on your returned expense form. If you have not supplied a bank account number and sort code, you will receive a cheque by post.  If you leave the ‘bank details’ section blank or your bank details cannot be read clearly then you will receive a cheque by post.

Please note that cheque payments will take longer, and this may delay you receiving your expenses. 

  • Why was I not reimbursed for the full amount I claimed?

There are several reasons that you may not have been reimbursed for full amount that you have claimed.  Some of the reasons may be as follows;

  • You have not provided receipts.
  • The hours outlined on the website of payments 0-4 hours and over 4 hours are paid proportionately therefore if you have claimed the full amount for a full day but where in court 5 hours you will only receive the sum that equates 5 hours not the full days amount.
  • The distance that you have submitted on your form does not coincide with the distance on google maps.
  • You may also have been able to return to work on occasions and therefore will only receive the hours that you were in court.
  • I have lost my claim form – what should I do?

You can obtain a new claim form online at Jury Expense Form(external link opens in a new window / tab) or you can request another one from the Customer Service Centre(external link opens in a new window / tab) by emailing them or alternatively phoning them.  Please ensure that you have recorded your jury number on your expense form.

  • As a self-employed person how much can I claim back?

Information on how much expenses can be claimed are at Claiming juror allowances


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