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Can't Login to Jamf Pro!

I'm unable to login to Jamf Pro after following the setup procedures. I'm integrating Jamf with Google Workspace and got locked out. Google Error 403.Error: app_not_configured_for_userService is not configured for this user. I am the admin on the acc...  View more

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macOS expired MDM Profile Enrolled via DEP

I have a computer where the MDM profile didn't renew last month, so it is expired. Haven't had the chance to look into why it didn't renew automatically, since I have many others that have. I did dig up some old notes from a SCEP issue I had previous...  View more

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Uploading Packages - Policies Not Installing Them?

Hi All, We did the update to a more recent version of Jamf Pro. We lost the Jamf feature and now I'm having issues getting packages into Jamf Pro. I have tried using Jamf Sync, and also just copying the files directly to one of our FSD poin...  View more

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 8.56.20 AM.png
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Join Mack to AD

so it seem that the build it option JAMF Pro does not woke and i see the same problem others have posted the white brick when i try a ad login, so i suck with Mac scripting also now to JAMF looking to do is when the system runs in enrollment or first...  View more

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Boot Loop after Installing Rosetta

Anyone else getting stuck in a boot loop after installing Rosetta? 2020 M1 MacBook installed 14.6.1, enrolled with JAMF, but after installing rosetta the computer gets stuck in a boot loop. DFU restore doesn't fix the issue. Happens with multiple lap...  View more

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Cisco Secure Client Installation Failed - JAMF Support

Hi,Just in case anyone is struggling with the Cisco Secure Client deployment, modification of the xml file, etc etc, below is the step by step guide offered by Jamf Support, it differs slightly from the guide here - How to deploy Cisco Secure Client ...  View more

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Resolved! Admin to Standard User Issue

I am testing moving users from Admin to Standard and I am running the command below in Files and Processes in a policy and it works and makes the user Standard, but when I reboot it reverts back to Admin. The machine was bound to the domain (we are w...  View more

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Jamf Pro 11.9.1 Now Available

Today we are releasing a maintenance version of Jamf Pro; this release includes the following changes and improvements: New Keys for System Extension Payload Jamf Pro includes two new system extension types for computers with macOS 15* or later. In m...  View more

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SSO and JAMF Connect

Our Company utilizes JAMF Pro and JAMF Connect for MDM Management, Up until recently, we have always had local accounts created manually during prestage - then sign out and sign in with the users Azure Credentials - connect the local account and then...  View more

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Screen Recording Enabled/Not Enabled by App

Since Sequoia will be prompting users to review their screen recording settings monthly, I was wondering if it was possible to create a Smart Group that displays which apps in the Screen & System Audio Recording are either enabled or not enabled. Ide...  View more

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Resolved! Jamf Pro 11.7.1 & Adobe 2024 apps

Hey guys,I've been working on a computer lab and I have some time to troubleshoot. I had to upgrade the lab from Ventura and 2022 Adobe apps to Sonoma and Adobe 2024 apps.Previously for the Adobe 2022 apps I would run them though Composer and I had n...  View more

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API usage in jamf

Hi jamf-types, I have been out of the jam loop for a few years, as the company I'm was in used a different product .Now I am looking to pitch jams at a new company... but I don't have access to all the data I used to have. Can anyone point me to a co...  View more

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Default Jamf Connect Login to Local?

I'm wondering if I can default Jamf Connect Login to show the local logins first instead of the network sign-in.Our network (call it NET-RAD) currently uses RADIUS, which we knew, so we'd planned to use our WPA2 network (call it NET-DEV) for Connect ...  View more

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Resolved! Setting a Location and matching naming convention

Hi, i am trying to script the final step in our onboarding process, where the user is presented with a list of Locations to chose, and once selected, the script will pull the serial number and rename the machine the location-serialnumberI'm 90% sure ...  View more

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