Recycling of packaging materials

Colourful packaging from various manufacturers

Packaging recycling in a closed-loop process

The recycling of multilayer packaging materials that are used to effectively protect products is a huge challenge for recycling companies. The different materials must first be separated and then individually processed. A closed-loop process is hardly possible with conventional recycling methods.

Recycling of multilayer packaging materials using the CreaSolv® Process

Our solvent-based recycling process enables both post-consumer packaging and post-industrial waste to be recycled in a closed-loop process. The process can be customized for the particular composition of the waste materials. It dissolves the target polymers as mono-materials from the mixed plastics or composites and processes these into high-quality regranulates. These can then be used, for example, for the manufacture of new packaging materials. Recycling quotas for composite packaging and multilayer films can thus be significantly increased.

CreaSolv® Recycling plants

A number of plants designed to use the CreaSolv® Process are under construction. The first operational plant was commissioned in 2018 by Unilever in Indonesia. It recycles three metric tons of material a day. We provide on-site expertise at all sites that commission this novel and advanced recycling technology.

CreaSolv® Technology offers an environmentally-friendly and sustainable end-of-life process for the recycling of packaging materials.

Our range of services in the field of packaging recycling

Customized recycling processes

For the closed-loop recycling we are able to customize the recycling process e.g. for

  • composite packaging materials
  • multilayers, laminates
  • mixed plastic fractions

Commercialization of recycling technology

We support our customers during the construction of recycling plants and during the commercialization of new recycling technologies.

Determination of the market value of recycled plastic materials

We can determine the market value of your recycled plastic by manufacturing product samples in-house. Our detailed knowledge of the plastics industry enables us to identify potential applications.

Analysis of plastic recyclates

In our laboratories we analyze plastic recyclates to determine their physical, chemical, and sensory properties. Based in this we can recommend measures for quality improvement.