Quality conforming, resource-preserving and efficient cleaning of components has emerged to an important part of production and become a quality-determining key technology for high-quality products. The development of new process control strategies, the use of state-of-the-art systems for monitoring cleaning success and process quality as well as the penetration of digitalization technologies are important focal points for future and consistently quality-controlled cleaning technologies.
As a forum for the exchange of experience and the discussion of new ideas and projects on these topics - from the digitalization of processes and intelligent process control with innovative methods to the analysis of quality problems - the Fraunhofer IVV in Dresden and the Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS) organize the annual Project Workshop Industrial Component Cleaning.
On June 17, 2021, the Fraunhofer IVV Dresden offered for the third time a forum for exchange of experiences and discussion. This time, the topic was: Robot-assisted cleaning - applications for medium-sized businesses?
The development of new adaptive cleaning processes, the use of flexible, robot-assisted cleaning systems as well as their penetration with technologies of digitalization are important focal points for the automated and consistently quality-controlled component cleaning of the future and are associated across the board with high acquisition costs. Industry specialists gave an overview of the latest findings and possible applications in short technical presentations. New ideas, applications and projects were then discussed in separate expert forums.
We are planning the next Project Workshop Industrial Component Cleaning for 2022. Are you interested in the event? Subscribe to our newsletter and join our LinkedIn group »Industrial Cleaning Technologies« to stay informed!
Please note that the event language is mainly German.
13:00 | Begrüßung, Vorstellung des Programms und der Umfrageergebnisse industrielle Reinigungsprozesse André Boye, Fraunhofer IVV |
13:20 | Innovationsstandort Sachsen - Branchenkompetenzen für den Erfolg nutzen Dr. Uwe Lienig, Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH |
13:40 | Flexible Hochdruck-Reinigung mit Robotertechnologie |
14:00 | Kaffeepause / Expertenforum |
14:30 | SCANYWHERE - Scan anywhere: Innovative Prozesslösung zum selektiven Laserreinigen von großen und/oder komplexen Bauteilenn Carsten Thielen, 4JET Technologies GmbH |
14:50 |
Robotergeführte CO2-Schneestrahltechnologie zur Reinigung komplexer Bauteile Jonas Gude, acp systems AG |
15:10 | Kaffeepause / Expertenforum |
15:40 | adaptive, robotergestützte Reinigung im Test- und Entwicklungscenter Bauteilreinigung am Fraunhofer IVV Dresden (virtueller Rundgang durchs Technikum) |
16:00 |
Expertenforum |
16:30 | Ende der Veranstaltung |