Industrial component cleaning

Mitarbeiter prüft Erfolg der Bauteilreinigung mittels moderner Technologien

Industrial component cleaning

The cleaning of industrial components is a quality-generating and hence value-creating process. Since 2008 we have therefore been developing holistic solutions for the design, quality-assured implementation, and digitization of cleaning processes. For this we identify and implement optimizations involving the complex interplay of chemistry, processes, plant technology, and measuring systems and also in the pre-process and post-process, the logistics, and employee qualifications.

We possess special software tools for simulating spray cleaning and fluids and possess extensive analytical and testing facilities on an industrial scale. The focus of our R&D portfolio is the defined generation of film contamination, aqueous cleaning, and fluorescence-based measurement of film contamination within the context of process and process chain analyses.

In our application center, future technologies for process data acquisition, operator assistance, and the cleaning of functional surfaces can be experienced at first hand and learned in training sessions.

Our services for your quality-assuring component cleaning


Cleaning systems and processes

We develop holistic cleaning solutions for customers


Analysis and optimization of cleaning

Customized objective cleaning analyses for the validation and optimization of processes

Simulation of cleaning

Simulation of the cleaning action for the optimal design of spray cleaning systems


Digitalization of cleaning processes

Cleaning processes for the digital future – practical solutions for plants and operators


Fluorescence measurements for film contamination

Individual system solutions for measuring film contamination. Imaging. Rapid. Inline.

Test and Development Center Component Cleaning


Use the most advanced cleaning technologies for tests and training sessions in our pilot plant facilities



Visit our cleaning technologies pilot plant in a virtual tour

Cleaning systems and processes

In order to alleviate the conflict between increasing quality requirements and high cost pressure, we help you effectively solve cleaning tasks. Based on your components, we compare different cleaning processes and machine types with consideration of both technical and economic factors.

For this we utilize the knowledge built up in over a decade of R&D and testing in our small pilot plant. We analyze process chains, namely the complex interplay between the pre-process, cleaning, and the post-process, to identify optimization measures. Only when you know what your customer actually means by "oil and grease free" can you clean optimally.

We assist you with:

  • definition and monitoring of cleanliness requirements
  • selection of suitable cleaning methods and equipment for your cleaning tasks
  • seamless implementation in practice – from the pre-process via the logistics chain to quality control

The complexity of industrial component cleaning offers opportunities. Our R&D services benefit your company.

Analysis and optimization of cleaning

Once you know the power, limits, and quality-related parameters of your cleaning process you are in a position to meet new requirements. In independent analyses we determine the cleanability of your components/contamination and validate processes for prescribed cleaning tasks. The foundation for this is our expertise in the defined application of realistic film contamination and in the quantification of the effectiveness of the cleaning using imaging fluorescence analysis.

Objectify your communication with customers on technical cleanliness or think ahead in the design phase and lower your future production costs by designing your components such that they can be effectively cleaned.


Technical cleanliness according to VDA 19.1 / ISO 16232

Ansicht der Hände eines Mitarneitenden in Handschuhen, der in einer Spülanalge Partikel für die Restschutzanalyse nach VDA 19.1 durchführt
Abbildung der Akkreditierungsurkunde D-PL-11140-29-00

Qualified verification of the technical cleanliness of components

Qualified proof of the technical cleanliness of components is a quality requirement relevant to competition in the automotive industry, but also in other sectors such as the electronics industry.

As an accredited laboratory for the assessment of technical cleanliness in accordance with VDA 19.1 / ISO 16232, we carry out qualified residual dirt analyses. The analysis method we use enables reliable detection and analysis of particles up to 15 µm.

In addition to carrying out the residual dirt analysis, our expertise in the cause-oriented evaluation and interpretation of the results enables us to develop demand-oriented solution approaches for efficient cleaning processes.

We would be happy to develop a test procedure tailored to your specific requirements and support you in optimizing your cleaning processes - contact us!


Benefit from our in-depth expertise and our small pilot plant facilities!

Simulation of cleaning

At present the design of spray cleaning systems is largely based on empirical knowledge and on iterative modifications to prototypes. In order to simplify and accelerate this process, simulation software has been developed in a BMBF funded project. This software is a powerful optimization tool for designers of spray cleaning systems.

Besides allowing the design and evaluation of static and dynamic spray cleaning systems, the user-friendly CAD tool allows prediction of the effect of complex cleaning systems in which the jet impact and the run-off fluid are taken into account as cleaning components.

Integrate innovative CAD software into your design process. We can provide you with customized training and with nozzle measurement and database integration.

We offer simulations for various objectives: Virtual comparison of variants – identify the best cleaning system quickly and cost-effectively, design and optimization of spray cleaning processes, visualization of the mechanical cleaning action for development and marketing purposes.

We make spray cleaning visible. Virtual. In real-time.

Fluorescence measurements for film contamination

Film contamination usually emits visible light when excited with UV radiation. We use this so-called fluorescence for measuring contamination and monitoring cleanliness: With contamination-specific calibration the light intensity can be converted to a film thickness. Automated image processing enables the distribution of the contamination on the component surface to be determined. The color of the fluorescent light contains information about the composition of the contamination.

Our fluorescence measurement methods are suitable for:

  • Determining the suitability of the measuring method
  • Rectifying faults
  • Process optimization
  • Quality monitoring

For inline measurement of the amount and nature of the film contamination we develop application-specific system solutions for your processes.


Innovative application examples:


A powerful, compact optical contamination sensor

The sensor is the first extremely compact hybrid system for contamination detection that evaluates information under both UV and white light excitation. The sensor is completely developed in hygienic design and is therefore suitable for direct integration in hygienically sensitive areas. The combination of fluorescence properties with the characteristic optical features enables the reliable detection of a wide range of contamination types and conditions. Even non-fluorescent residues such as burnt-on food can be detected over large areas.

Flyer CoControl-LumiHD


Rendering of the CoControl-Lumi 3D detection system with a component in the chamber.

One of these solutions is reflected in our innovative measuring system "CoControl-Lumi3D".

The module, which is available both as an inline application and as a separate measuring box or atline/offline solution, for the first time enables seamless, fast and reproducible contamination detection even on complex 3D components.

In contrast to conventional systems that only detect filmic contamination in one or two dimensions, "CoControl-Lumi3D" is able to assign the contamination detected without contact and over a large area to a position in space. If the 3D model of the component is linked with the information obtained, functional surfaces such as seals or joints can be selectively checked for compliance with the required cleanliness criteria.


We develop the right fluorescence measurement technology for your applications!

Digitalization of cleaning processes

Even for new plants the installation of comprehensive modern digital measurement systems is not always economically viable and also the actual benefits are often difficult to assess in advance.

The Fraunhofer IVV Dresden is addressing this practical problem using a modular system solution for process data acquisition and digitalization. This consists on the one hand of hardware and software building blocks for connecting relevant interfaces – from the analog power interface right through to Modbus TCP – to the standard I4.0 data exchange format OPC UA.

In addition the system solution integrates the plant operator seamlessly into the process data acquisition: Via a configurable app for smartphones and tablets it supplements the dialog with the system with any quality-related process data for which no measurement systems are installed. 

In collaboration with you we develop a customized digitalization system to meet your particular needs as well as future-oriented solutions for its beneficial application – from the quality protocol for your customers to self-leaning assistance systems for plant operators.


As your partner for customized digitalization of your cleaning processes we offer the following services:

  • Development of data acquisition concepts
  • Modular building blocks for the integration of different machine interfaces
  • Mobile data acquisition solutions for plant operators

Our innovative solutions in the field of digitizing cleaning processes show what will be possible for industrial component cleaning in the future.

Test and Development Center Component Cleaning

The pilot plant facilities of the Fraunhofer IVV Dresden present a unique opportunity for users to learn about the complexities of industrial component cleaning and specific cleaning methods by gaining practical experience. With the help of our experts you can test new ideas quickly and easily without endangering your existing processes and you can test different methods for your cleaning tasks.

Practically-oriented training sessions enable you to acquire detailed knowledge about the interrelationships involved in component cleaning and so enable optimal interventions in complex situations and systematic rectification of faults.

The »Learning Factory« is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.


Are you interested? Contact us and benefit as a pilot partner from special terms and ensure an invitation to the next training event.

Project workshop Industrial Component Cleaning

Forum for ideas and the exchange on projects of future  consistently quality-controlled cleaning technologies.