Compliance tests and migration tests on food packaging

Mitarbeiterin führt Störstoffanalyse durch

We test and appraise the compliance of packaging for food, pet food and cosmetic products during all the manufacturing steps - from the production of the polymers and packaging materials to the modification via printing and coating, the filling of the packaging, and finally to the recycling.

Our knowledge of the relevant legislation and our analytical expertise and facilities allow us to address customer-specific issues and develop new analytical methods.

Our work involves evaluating the interactions between polymers and contact media. We systematically study the transfer (migration/permeation) of chemical substances into contact media such as a packaged food or other packaged products. A key area of expertise is determination of diffusion and partition coefficients and subsequent modeling of the material transport processes.

With our research results we support EU legislation:

Our services in the field of compliance and migration

Migation tests and evaluation of compliance


We offer accredited tests and non-target screening analysis for NIAS.


(Ultra-)Trace analysis for impurities and contaminants

e.g. perfluorinated compounds, PAHs, brominated flame retardants, plastizisers.


Testing of recyclates


Quality assurance for recyclates using EFSA & FDA challenge tests.

Permeation analysis


We optimize barrier properties to permanent gases and organic substances (MOSH, MOAH and aromas).

Technical dossiers


We prepare technical dossiers for applications for approval for German Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), EFSA, and FDA.


sensory analysis


We test packaging materials and food according to DIN for their sensory properties and compliance with food legislation.

Analytical testing for food regulatory assessment

The test laboratory has been accredited by DAkkS in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 for measuring the the migration and residual content of many monomers and additives. The accreditation applies for the test methods indicated on the annex to the certificate [D-PL-11140-04-00] and includes the development of new methods. (Partial accreditation certificate D-PL-11140-04-01D-PL-11140-04-02 and D-PL-11140-04-03)

  • Migration tests on consumer goods and packagings including consultancy and evaluation in accordance with Framework Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004, European Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods, European Regulation (EC) No. 282/2008 on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods, and Regulation (EC) No. 450/2009 on active and intelligent packaging.

    Determination of migrating substances using GC, HPLC, GC-MS and LC-MS. Determination of inorganic migrating substances with ICP-MS. Screening of unknown migrating substances using GC-MS. Testing functional barrier properties. Advice concerning migration tests which are required for materials in contact with foodstuffs according to the German regulations on food contact articles and/or EU Directives.

  • Evaluation of food contact materials according to food regulations
    Compilation of current legal requirements for materials which are to be used for food contact applications and advice on the required migration testing.

  • Analytical method development and investigations related to the approval of new compounds
    Development of analytical methods and carrying out tests in accordance with the Note for Guidance of the EU Commission, for approval of a substance in the EU or for a Food Contact Notification at FDA.

  • Overall migration
    Determination of the overall migration using food simulants according to EN 1186. The tests are carried out by immersion or one-sided in a cell or by filling. The food simulants are: distilled water, 3% acetic acid, 10% ethanol, 20% ethanol, 50% ethanol and olive oil. Alternative simulants for oil: 95% ethanol and isooctane.

  • Overall migration at high temperatures
    Determination of the overall migration from articles intended to come into contact with foods at high temperatures using the tenax method EN 1186-13 (up to 175°C) and the IVV method (up to 220°C). Dishes designed for multiple-use, packagings and parts of packagings made of plastic, paper/board and plastic-coated materials are investigated.

  • Overall extraction of plastics
    Rapid method according to EN 1186-15 to determine the total quantity of migratable components in articles intended to come into contact with foods. This method can be used for flexible packagings and coated and/or lacquered metals. Extraction solvents are iso-octane or ethanol.

  • Specific migration, residues in polymers
    Determination of the specific migration of individual substances or determination of residues in the polymer which are subject to a specific limit according to EU Plastics Regulation 10/2011. Depending on the substance and test conditions as well as the number and type of simulants, for existing test methods.

  • Color release
    For dyed articles intended to come into contact with foods according to BgVV.

  • Phthalates in fat-containing foods, polymers and paper
    Analysis by isotope dilution method.

  • Specific migration of diethylhexyladipate (DEHA) in food simulants
    DEHA in isoctane
    DEHA in oil

  • Migration of primary aromatic amines
    Sum determination according to Official German Method § 64 LFGB L-00.00-6 (photometry after derivatisation).
    Specific determination of primary aromatic amines.

  • Determination of residual solvents
    Quantification of residual solvents (e.g. ethylacetate, isopropanol, ethanol, toluene, 1-ethoxy-2-propanol) which can remain after the printing of packaging materials for example. Using headspace gas chromatography. Identification by GC-MS.

  • Bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol A-diglycidylether (BADGE)
    Determination of the specific migration of BPA and BADGE and their degradation products (hydrolysis products and chlorine derivatives) in foods, food simulants or the residual content in packagings (boxes-inner coating, laminates). The detection limit is 0.01 µg/ml.

  • Volatiles in PET
    Screening on volatile substances in PET material (virgin and recycled) by high temperature headspace gas chromatography. Quantification of acetaldehyde and limonene (indicator for recycled PET).

  • Acetaldehyde in mineral water
    Quantification of acetaldehyde by purge and trap gas chromatography. Determination limit 2.5 ppb.

  • PET-Inertness test
    Inertness testing of new material developments or determination of the influence of material stress (washing cycles, number of fillings, etc.) on the inertness of PET bottles. Comparative inertness testing of different PET materials.

  • Evaluation of the cleaning efficiency of recycling processes (challenge test)
    A challenge test evaluates the cleaning efficiency of recycling processes related to migrationconsumer substances. Such a test is needed for the bottle to bottle recycling of used PET bottles, for example. Additionally, with challenge tests recycling processes can be optimized. Challenge tests can be performed for pure recycling material species (PET, PEN, PS, HDPE, etc.).

  • Screening for migratable substances (non-intentionally added substances, NIAS) and for nanoparticles.

  • Migration modeling

Accredited sensory analysis

The sensory analytics laboratory has been accredited by DAkkS in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation applies for the test methods indicated on annex to the certificate [D-PL-11140-04-00].

  • Testing of packaging materials for their sensory activity including food regulatory evaluation 
    • in accordance with DIN 10 955 (Testing of packagings and packaging materials for food products) 
    • in accordance with EN 1230 (paper and board intended for contact with foodstuffs)
  • Difference tests
    e.g. to determine key factors such as formulation composition, production parameters etc., in accordance with DIN ISO 4120 (triangular test), DIN 10 954 (paired comparison test) and DIN 10 963 (ranking test).