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FOI and EIRs statistics

FOI and EIRs statistics

Every 3 months, Scottish public authorities send us data about the freedom of information (FOI) and environmental information (EIRs) requests they have received, and how they have responded. Below you can find out how to access the data, and public authorities can submit their latest statistics.

You can view the dashboard in full screen by clicking on the double headed arrows at the bottom right.

graphic showing where "full screen" button is for PowerBI visuals

If you need any help accessing or analysing the data, or have any questions, please contact us.

Downloading FOI and EIRs statistics

The files below are in place of our previous report-generating tool, which is no longer available. We aim to develop a new, improved tool to allow easier viewing of authorities' data in 2022-23.

Submitting quarterly statistics

We ask Public Authorities across Scotland to provide us with their data every 3 months (the financial year divided into quarters). Details of exact upcoming dates are listed in the first drop-down menu below entitled  "When should authorities submit statistics?".

Authorities have one month to submit their data to us once the portal opens, the portal closes automatically at the deadline provided and no further entries can be accepted after this time.

***Please note: you now need a password to submit statistics for your authority. The password will be issued just before the collection window opens, via email to your nominated contact.  If you need to update your contact details or need us to reissue the password, please contact us

You need to submit the same data, at the same times of the year, but using a simpler portal. You now need a different link and password for each quarter - which you will be given after the end of each quarter - so do not attempt to submit stats via any previous links.

We've made the improvements based on feedback from authority FOI staff. If you need any help submitting your statistics, please contact us.

When should authorities submit statistics?

Submissions windows open shortly after the previous quarter closes, and authorities will be sent access instructions via their nominated contacts the Friday before the portal opens. Upcoming dates are:

**Please note, the portal closes at precisely 5pm on the final day**

2024-25 Q2: 1 July to 30 September 2024

  • Opens 7 October 2024
  • Deadline: 1 November 2024

2024-25 Q3: 1 October to 31 December 2024

  • Opens 6 January 2024
  • Deadline: 7 February 2024

2024-25 Q4: 1 January to 31 March 2025

  • Opens 7 April 2025
  • Deadline: 2 May 2025

2025-26 Q1: 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025

  • Opens 7 July 2025
  • Deadline: 8 August 2025
How to submit statistics

Use the portal link for the quarter you are submitting statistics for, which you can find in the table above.  Just click on the link, insert the password and select your organisation type and name, and enter all the required data. You will only be asked to submit data which will be publicly available (so no personal data). You can enter everything and submit in one visit, or save and come back to it later. When you're ready to submit your statistics, click the Finish button on the final page.

Data to include in the submission

Data submitted should relate to actual activity in the relevant quarter i.e. requests received in that quarter and decisions made in that quarter. Please note, this means the number of requests received may not be equal to the number of decisions, or responses sent, as a request and the relevant decision may occur in different quarters.

Entering data

Every box in the Requests, Reviews and Exemptions/Exceptions sections should be populated - even if the figure is 0. To make the process quicker, zero is set as the default for most answers,. More information and advice is provided next to each question.

You can enter everything and submit in one visit, or save and come back to it later by clicking 'Finish later' at the bottom of any section. Please ensure you complete and submit your statistics by the deadline.

Completing a submission

Once you have entered a full and accurate set of data and you are ready to submit, click the finish button on the final page. Please note that once you do this, you will be unable to access or edit your submission (although you will be able to download a PDF of the statistics you have submitted).

Each quarter, we will upload the data submitted by authorities to this page so it can be viewed publicly, and we will also use it as part of our quarterly analysis of authority performance, so it's important that your submission is full and accurate. If you need to make any corrections after you have submitted, please contact us.

Updating contact details

We don't currently have a way for you to update your contact details online. If there are any changes to who is responsible for submitting your authority's statistics, please contact us to let us know, so we can send you updates and reminders.


See below some answers to our most frequently asked questions. 

Why do I need to submit data?

We ask authorities to submit data about their requests to see how FOI is used in Scotland. Authorities should already be recording this data, in accordance with Section 2 of the Section 60 Code of Practice, and this information should therefore be available under FOI. Asking authorities to submit statistics on a quarterly basis ensures that the data is accurate, complete and easily accessible.

What happens to the data that is submitted?

Each quarter, the Commissioner's staff upload data submitted by authorities to this page so it can be viewed publicly. This open data is for authorities and others to use for benchmarking and research. The data is also used by the Commissioner to monitor and assess trends in activity and performance.

The Commissioner has the power to assess good FOI practice within an authority, and this data is used when deciding whether an intervention based on non-compliance with FOI law is necessary. See our Interventions page for more information.

What happens where an authority's FOI statistics are currently gathered and reported by another authority?

Some small authorities who share their administrative functions with another authority (e.g. some licensing boards and non-Ministerial Officeholders) don't collect their statistics separately at the moment. If an authority can provide its own data, that is preferable, but if it can't, the authority should let us know which authority will be providing it on their behalf, so we can make a note of this, and ensure its reflected in the reports.

Who can use the data?

The data is available for anyone to use, including researchers, journalists and the public, as well as public authorities. Available statistics date back to 2013, when the portal was first used.

Please be aware that the data is submitted directly by public authorities. It is not checked or verified by the Commissioner and the Commissioner is not responsible for its quality or accuracy. Data is added to this page each quarter by the Commissioner's staff, taken directly from data submitted by authorities.