An Investment in the Future of Library & Information Education
Your gift to the School of Information is a direct investment in the education of the next generation of leaders in the library and information professions. Private philanthropy helps our students in many ways that would not be possible within the iSchool's normal operating budget. It also provides funds that are vital to the iSchool's ability to attract and retain the most talented students and faculty members.
Why Give to the iSchool?
We are currently ranked #5 in the top schools of library and information science by U.S. News & World Report and this competitive ranking is due in part to individuals and organizations that support our mission of teaching, research, and service. And our alumni— current and future— are key stakeholders in the iSchool's reputation of leadership and excellence.
The Impact of your Gift
Each year, the iSchool receives various financial gifts of all types and all sizes. Our students and faculty all benefit from the generosity and consistent support of our donors. From adding the latest technology in our labs, to providing scholarships, professional development, and networking opportunities, your ongoing support is critical to our mission of educating leaders in the information profession. Among the items funded by donor gifts to the iSchool are:
- Research Colloquia, Workshops, and Conferences
- Open House in Fall and Spring Semesters
- Commencement and iSchool Convocation
- New Student Orientation and Career Services Bootcamp
- Back-to-School Mixer for New and Returning Students
- Alumni Events, including TLA, ALA, SLA, SAA and Regional gatherings
- Career Workshops, including Speed Interviewing, Networking, Alumni Panels, and Speakers
- Unique internship opportunities, such as spring break in the Library of Congress
- Professional photographs for our students
How to Support Us
Support the iSchool Online
Each year, the iSchool receives various financial gifts of all types and all sizes. Our students and faculty all benefit from the generosity and consistent support of our donors. From adding the latest technology in our labs, to providing scholarships, professional development, and networking opportunities, your ongoing support is critical to our mission of educating leaders in the information profession.
Endowments provide an important part of the iSchool’s budget as they are reliable sources of income that can be forecast from year to year.
Advisory Council
The School of Information Advisory Council is a board of appointed volunteers who actively assist the dean in the school's advancement efforts. Council members contribute to the school's advancement in a number of ways.
Other Ways to support the iSchool
There are many ways to support the School of Information. You may specify that your gift is designated for a particular program or purpose, make an unrestricted gift, or specify that the gift is placed in an endowment.
Our Development Team

Alexandra Guterbock
Development Specialist