ISCC System Updates

ISCC System Updates inform about changes of the system

  • 17 September 2024 ISCC Webinar System Updates – Summary Q3 2024 – ISCC EU – ISCC PLUS – EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) Add-on – ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification
  • 26 August 2024 ISCC EU – Clarification on Different ISCC Certificate Statuses
  • 23 July 2024 ISCC Webinar – System Updates Summary Q3 2024, ISCC EU, ISCC PLUS, ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification – Food and Agriculture, Update on Measures for Conducting Audits in Ukraine
  • 27 June 2024 HUB Update
  • 23 May 2024 ISCC Webinar – System Update Summary Q1/Q2 2024, ISCC EU, ISCC PLUS, ISCC CORSIA
  • 10 April 2024 ISCC HUB
  • 22 March 2024 ISCC PLUS, ISCC EU, ISCC CORSIA (PLUS), ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification
  • 1 March 2024 ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS: Updated Audit Procedures / SAR and New APS Version (APS v4.6.0), ISCC EU Material List, ISCC EU: Information Letter from Nabisy Database
  • 2 February 2024 Adaptions of Chapter 12.2 of the ISCC PLUS System Document for the Group Certification Approach for Final Product Refinement (FPR) Activities, ISCC EU: Update of the Gap Audit Procedure
  • 4 January 2024 ISCC EU: Updated ISCC EU System Documents; ISCC PLUS: Not Affected by the Revised ISCC EU 203 Traceability and Chain of Custody System Document
  • 19 December 2023 Update in NUTS 02 Values, Update on the Union Database (UDB)
  • 18 December 2023 Clarification on Recertification Audits in Case of Changing Scope, Clarification on the Requirement of Individual Certification as Point of Origin for Palm Oil Mills and Refineries, ISCC EU: Postponement of Implementing Accreditation Requirements for Certification Bodies, ISCC Credit Transfer System in Public Consultation Phase, Update of ISCC CORSIA Certification System
  • 8 December 2023 Launch of the ISCC HUB: Key features of the ISCC HUB, Updated ISCC Site Information template and Sourcing Contact Information template in the ISCC HUB
  • 27 November 2023 Introducing the ISCC HUB, Update on the Union Database, Non-Responding to ISCC Communication Will Be Treated as Major Non- Conformity, ISCC EU and PLUS Material List, New Guidance Document and Template for Sustainability Declarations under ISCC PLUS
  • 27 October 2023 Announcement of the ISCC HUB going live, Evolution of NUTS 02 Values, Geocoordinate data provision using geocoordinate system WGS84, Self-declaration for group members in a final product refinement set up, APS v4.5 reminder: download and install the new APS
  • 29 August 2023 New ISCC PLUS Self Declaration for CO2, ISCC PLUS System Document v3.4.1, ISCC PLUS V3.4.1 add-on EN 15343 is yet to be made available, ISCC EU and PLUS Material List, New Templates for Sustainability Declaration under ISCC PLUS, New APS version (APS v4.5.0) release on 1 September 2023
  • 04 August 2023 ISCC Internal Compliance information is open to the public, Update FAQs About ISCC System Updates, Clarification on ISCC template combining UDB and ISCC requirements
  • 25 July 2023 Improved Communication and Information-Exchange Between Voluntary Schemes in Case of Certification-Related Issues, Public Consultation for ISCC Principles 2-6: Forest Biomass, ISCC Documents: ISCC EU, PLUS and CORSIA Material List, Appearance Update of Self-declarations, Updated ISCC EU Certificate Template, Updated ISCC PLUS Certificate Template, ISCC Documents for the FSS Add-on, Assessment Protocol for new Certification Bodies.
  • 09 June 2023 ISCC Update on the Union Database, FAQ About the ISCC System Updates Content of 18 and 28 April 2023, ISCC Documents, New ISCC PLUS Certificate Template, Updated ISCC EU Certificate Template, Adjustment in the ISCC EU PoS Template Based on User Feedback, Update on Requirements Regarding the Place of the Audit in Case of Scope Extensions
  • 05 May 2023 Update of the ISCC Website, Update of the ISCC Seals, Update of the ISCC Corporate Logo, Clarifications, Hydrogen Emission Factor in the Annex of ISCC EU System Document 205, Certificates Having to Reflect Actual Material Flows and Business Activities for ISCC PLUS Processing Units, Use of NUTS2 Values, ISCC Documents, ISCC EU, PLUS and CORSIA Material Lists now Publicly Available, New Templates for Proof of Sustainability and Sustainability Declaration under ISCC EU, Updated ISCC PLUS Certificate Template: FSS Add-On, Public Consultation: ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification Module
  • 28 April 2023 Strengthened Requirements for Waste and Residue Supply Chains
  • 18 April 2023 ISCC Update Regarding the Union Database, ISCC Japan FIT – Additional Recognition for Sustainable Palm Oil and Registration and Documentation Available, Clarification on esca, ISCC EU and PLUS Material List, Certificates Must Reflect Actual Material Flows and Business Activities
  • 16 March 2023 ISCC EU Self-Declarations Available in Further Languages, ISCC Update Regarding the Timeline of the Union Database, Update in the ISCC Terms of Use
  • 07 March 2023 ISCC Documents, New Self-Declaration for Liquid Waste and Residue Materials from Palm Oil Mills, ISCC EU Self-Declaration Waste and Residues, Revised ISCC PLUS System Document now Available, ISCC 202-4 Forest Biomass Principle 2-6 Published for ISCC PLUS, ISCC PLUS Certificate Template Update: Indication of Post-Consumer or Post-Industrial Origin is now Possible, Clarification on Approach on the Compliance of Group Members with ISCC Requirements, Public Consultation: ISCC PLUS Add-on “Low ILUC-risk feedstock certification”, New ISCC RFNBOs Training, Union Database: FAQs on the ISCC Website
  • 13 February 2023 Final Report on Successful Pilot Audits of the ISCC EU Certification Approach for RFNBOs, ISCC Update Regarding the Union Database, Clarification: Points of Origin Covered by Approaches Operated by Governmental Authorities
  • 18 January 2023 ISCC Documents, ISCC EU and PLUS Self-Declaration for Collection Croton, ISCC Materials, ISCC EU Material List, ISCC PLUS Material List, Nabisy: New Application Forms, ISCC Update Regarding the Union Database, Risk Mitigation Measures for Palm Oil Mills (POMs), Mandatory Surveillance Audits

All System Updates up to November 2022 can be found in the System Update Archive in the ISCC client section because these have been included in the new ISCC EU System Documents.