Política de Privacidad y Protección de Datos


This privacy and personal data protection policy establishes the commitments of our company, publisher of the website https://www.imaios.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") and the e-Anatomy, vet-Anatomy, QEVLAR Radiology, IMAIOS DICOM Viewer (IDV), Anatomy Ninja Lower Limb and Anatomy Ninja Upper Limb applications available on Google Play and Apple App Store (hereinafter referred to as the "Applications") with regard to the confidentiality and protection of personal data of the users of the Site and Applications (hereinafter referred to as the "User", defined as any natural person or legal entity that consents to the Terms of access and use of the Site and the Applications).

It applies specifically to users of the Site and the Applications residing in France and in the territories of the European Union and complies with the European Regulation of 27 April 2016, known as the GDPR.

We recommend that you refer to the Terms of Use of the Site and Applications for further explanation of the purposes of the Site and Applications and their terms of use.

By accessing the Site and Applications, you acknowledge that you are fully aware of this privacy and data protection policy and declare that you do not object to it.

1. Our Company

The Site and Applications are published by our company, SAS IMAIOS.
You can contact us, in particular for the purpose of exercising your right to privacy, at 2 allée Charles Darwin, 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez, France or through our e-mail address: contact@imaios.com.

2. Principles of Confidentiality

Personal information about visitors to our Site and users of our Applications, including their identity, is confidential. We undertake to respect legal conditions of confidentiality applicable in France and not to disclose this information to third parties except as expressly provided herein.

Unless you notify us otherwise, any non-personal information you provide to us will be considered non-confidential and free to use, subject to compliance with applicable provisions.

3. Collection of personal data

You may withhold your consent to the collection of personal data. However, such a decision may restrict or prevent access to all or part of the Site and the Applications.

Our company, whose contact details are: IMAIOS SAS, 2 allée Charles Darwin, 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez, France - contact@imaios.com, is responsible for processing your data. Its representative is Mr. Denis HOA, whom you can contact at the same address. 

Our Site and Applications are free of charge and freely accessible and can be downloaded for free, except for the provision of certain services, and do not require the creation of a user account. Nevertheless, we collect, at each connection to the Site and the Applications, your IP (Internet Protocol) address provided by your access provider, to which you hereby agree. We process this information in order to allow you to access the Site and Applications but also to identify your geographical data and personalize our content, which you consent to.

Registration is then necessary to use certain services (purchase of products, subscriptions, downloads, contribution to discussion forums, etc.).

We collect various types of information from you, such as your first and last name, address, profession, organization or company, telephone number and e-mail address, which you guarantee are accurate and undertake to update. Only the email address is required for registration. This information allows us to manage your participation in the activities and services offered and to better process your requests. The processing of the e-mail address is based on our contract and legitimate interests (in order to maintain our records and to know how our customers use our services) and, with regard to the other data, is dependent on your consent. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly authorize the collection of the above-mentioned data for the purpose of direct marketing and renew your consent for the purpose of customer loyalty.

In the event of an order, we will collect your first and last name and billing address, which are processed based on our contract, in order to determine the applicable VAT rate.

In addition, if you give your express consent, we may collect your first and last name, title and professional affiliation, which you warrant to be accurate, for the purpose of publicly identifying you in connection with your contributions to the Site and/or the Applications. The processing of such data is then based only on your sole express consent.

We may only allow third party partner companies to contact you if you have given your explicit consent, either when you register or later by changing your preferences from within the Site or the Applications.

We inform you that we do not collect your banking data. In order to maximize the security of our transactions, we use a payment gateway. Also, the information you are asked for, namely your credit card number, the name of your bank and security information, is not collected and processed by our Site and Applications but by our banking intermediary, who is solely responsible for all possible liability in this regard.

Similarly, we inform you that the presence of hyperlinks to websites managed by third parties does not make us in any way responsible for the content of these sites, the services offered, the collection of personal data carried out by these third parties or their privacy policy. We therefore encourage you to check the privacy and data protection statement of any third-party sites you access from the Site or the Applications.

4. Third-Party

The information collected may be transmitted to any judicial or administrative authority that may request it. In addition, we may, on an exceptional basis, transmit the data collected to third party service providers for the design, maintenance, security and commercial promotion of the Site and Applications, the sale and distribution of our products and other commercial initiatives or the hosting of our data.

Such transmission of data will, in all cases, be in accordance with the purposes stated herein and we ensure that our service providers who have access to the data in these circumstances are bound by an obligation of strict confidentiality and may be subject to sanctions in the event of non-compliance with their commitments.

In particular, we would like to inform you that the data collected is hosted by our hosting provider, Amazon Web Services, Inc., whose registered office is at 410 Terry Ave North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210, USA.

We therefore transfer data outside the European Union.

In this context, we naturally comply with the laws in force on data protection: we therefore subject our collaboration with our hosting provider to compliance with the standard contractual clauses, which you acknowledge by accepting the present document, and which oblige it to a high level of data security, in order to protect it against fraudulent access by an unauthorized third party and against any unauthorized destruction, alteration or distribution of the said data.

All your rights with respect to your data naturally apply to the data transferred to this subcontractor.

5. Security

We take the need to protect your data very seriously and have implemented technical security measures to prevent your data from being accidentally lost, altered, used or accessed. Access to your data is strictly limited to those who need to consult it and all our service providers mentioned above will ensure confidentiality. We cannot, however, guarantee the infallibility of our protection measures; should such a breach occur, we will notify you as soon as possible. 

We also encourage you to maintain the confidentiality of the connection settings we have provided to you and to take all necessary measures to protect your own data from being compromised.

6. Your rights

In accordance with the applicable regulations, and in particular the European Directive of 27 April 2016, you may at any time contact us at the company's headquarters: IMAIOS SAS, 2 allée Charles Darwin, 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez, France, in order to obtain communication of your data and, if necessary, their rectification if they prove to be incomplete or inaccurate, or their deletion, subject to our legal obligations to retain them, in particular for tax purposes.

You also have the right to limit processing, which in certain cases allows you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal data, and to withdraw the consent on which certain processing is based, which will, however, be limited to future processing.

Your right to data portability allows you to request a copy of your personal data in a standard format.

You have the right to ask us to be transparent about any profiling we carry out or any automated decision, and you may file a complaint with a supervisory authority at any time.

7. Data storage

We store your data for a limited period of time, depending on the purpose of the processing. The deletion of your account will thus put an end to this limited time period, subject to the respect of the minimum retention period, in order to respect our own accounting obligations. Our retention periods are therefore strictly limited to our own legal requirements. 

8. Modifications of our commitments

We will use the personal data collected and personally identifiable information in accordance with the terms of the commitments made at the time of collection. We may, however, make non-substantive changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time by posting revisions on the Site. Please check this page regularly.

9. Translation

Translation of this Agreement into any other language is provided, if necessary, solely for information purposes. In case of contradiction between the translated version and the French version, the French version is the only one that shall be authentic and the only one that engages both parties and governs the relationship with IMAIOS.

10. Date of update

This privacy policy was updated on December 6th, 2021.