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  • Kenneth Olausson- The blogger

    By Kenneth Olausson

    Swede Kenneth Olausson, 25 year-mx journalist & photographer from 60's to 80's

    Kenneth started to take mx pictures as a teenager in the early 60's. He not only covered the home scene in Sweden, but went with stars like Rolf Tibblin, Bill Nilsson, Torsten Hallman and Bengt Åberg around the world to see the world championship races. Kenneth joined the US mx-scene already in 1967 when he borrowed one of the continent’s first Husqvarna bikes to ride an event in the Californian Mojave desert.


    At the time Kenneth was 18 years old. Two years later he was back in the USA to cover the famous Inter-AM races with his pencil on his ear and Leicaflex camera in hand. Later on he travelled around Europe to see Husqvarna champions like Håkan Carlqvist, Heikki Mikkola, Håkan Andersson and others fight for the mx world crown.

    Kenneth now lives in Stockholm and devotes much of his time of reminiscing the good old motocross days…


    … as you can see & read here on our heritage pages