Is it time for platform migration? Not sure which platform to move over?  The move from any platform to Shopify could be the right decision your business needs to progress to the next level.

But, what we suggest may not work for you for the most obvious existing industry myths.  Migrating over to Shopify could take a backseat for many emerging industry verticals.

Let’s talk about very common misconception industry reserves about Shopify migration-

“It is too expensive for us”.

“It is not functional”.

“All efforts may go in vain”.

Well, these are not real facts about Shopify migration. The existing myths are detrimental to growth for startups, small-scale industry, and even large enterprises looking for a cost-effective yet high-performing replatforming or migration solution. Failing to get over this old practice could muddle the benefits. Shopify migration is one such high-level industry topic that needs to clear doubts, eliminate misconceptions, and contribute to rapid user insights.

In this blog, we will present some useful facts about Shopify migration myths. Let’s dive in to unravel these myths.

Myth 1: There’s no better choice than Magento when it comes to website migration.

Many mid-sized businesses dealing in complex products believe Magento has a great ability to handle huge traffic as well as large product catalogues that no other platform could ever deal with. Being an open-source eCommerce platform, users are ingrained with a common belief that Magento is free to use and can deal with any eCommerce complexities.

The Fact:

Here, you need to sail into the territory of the Shopify ecosystem that holds many unforeseeable riches for merchants of all sizes.

First thing first, Magento is not at all a cost-effective option. The most basic plan can be dearer to any merchant. Shopify on the other hand brings you a flexible plan where you can choose to migrate your website data easily.

Owing to themes, you can get 10 free themes and 64 premium themes with a pricing tag between $140 and $180 each. 

Magento to Shopify Migration

Shopify Themes

However, custom themes from Magento can cost you between $600 and $25000.

For customization needs, Shopify needs only a line of code to start with, whereas Magento demands a high level of development skills for customization enough to make a hole in your pocket. That’s only about the theme. When it involves everything- the overall migration to Magento- the project suits only large businesses. 

Shopify Migration Myths

Magento themes

But, the Magento to Shopify migration services pays off for every business type. Sales features and tools include –

  • Automated emails to customers to recover cart abandonment
  • Marketplace integration to embrace multi-channel selling via Amazon, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.   
  • The flexibility of dropshipping saves you the hassle of logistics management. 

The Motley Fool Findings

 Amid the Covid-19 crisis, Shopify has stood strong and accelerated its growth. Shopify has touched new heights in the following ways-. 

  • 62% merchants built their new stores on the Shopify platform.
  • Monthly recurring revenue grew by 25%.
  • Overall revenue streams grew by 47%.
  • Shopify stocks have skyrocketed.

During the crisis, it has emerged as a superior eCommerce platform, driving higher adoption of ecommerce stores as well as migration to Shopify platform. 

Use Shopify Import App or expert migration services to enable integrations between Shopify and a custom-built CMS. Among any eCommerce platform, Shopify has a smooth migration workflow that gives you flexible front-end styling and strong control over backend processes. Thinking it, you can import Magento products to Shopify platform and jumpstart with a great buyer journey.

Myth 2: Shopify has a tough infrastructure to migrate or set up a store on it.

All of us possess a common assumption that no one can get on-board with an eCommerce store easily without having a high level of technical expertise. Well, this is true for most of the eCommerce platforms- for say, Salesforce, Magento, or Squarespace. But, Shopify has the easiest layout for migration.

The Fact:

Basically, Shopify is built with an easy-to-use backend; anyone can take control over its internal functions. As compared to others, working with Shopify is quite easy. Beginners can make a swift migration from any platform to Shopify. Once you sign up, you can easily get started with the primary dashboard, deal with servers, and designing of the store. 


Plan carefully:

Backup your current data. Check with your plan it has enough capacity to allow storage.

Get store access details:

Prior to migration check a lot of details.

If you need to import orders from Wix to Shopify, or convert BigCommerce to Shopify, you must ensure data access. This is necessary for any platform.  If it is open-source, get the store's URL or FTP credentials.

And when you choose migration from a hosted solution, find the store's API details. When you are prepared, you can choose to do it manually or hire a Shopify expert agency.

Follow the next steps:

  • Customize your store
  • Set up your domain
  • Set up Shipping
  • Configure tax
  • Set up your payment provider
  • Test a transaction
  • URL redirects

Note: If you save on professional cost, consider using an import store app Shopify. Also, you can prefer the Excelify app. 

Myths 3: Shopify does not blend well with custom complex backend systems

For seamless eCommerce operations, every merchant shores up a wide variety of tools. But, we assume this is a complex process that Shopify does not allow. When it comes to moving over to Shopify, or you need Shopify WordPress Importer solutions, you may be reluctant to prefer this platform.

The Fact:

Shopify backend customization is different from that of theme customization because it interacts directly with frontend preferences. As we work with Shopify, none of us needs any coding knowledge to customize our products. Even with little knowledge, we can make storefronts beautiful by customizing our products which is meant for frontend display-our customers. We can do everything- adding a product, optimizing pricing or shipping details, and even taking care of SEO. That’s enough we can do easily to enable sales across multiple channels on the Shopify store.

And for streamlined management of your store, you can have a lot of software suites or tools integrated to the backend. 

  • It’s easy and you don’t require professional help. By leveraging Shopify’s RESTful API, we can integrate third-party tools- CRM, ERP, 3PL, and many more into the backend and manage a seamless business operation.
  • Using the same API, you can create custom code and use them in the backend to edit product information. Looking for more flexibility? Use GraphQL.
  • To enable multi- channel sales, you can display your product over 20 different sales channels using Shopify’s native integration capability. Get POS to offer omnichannel sales flexibility, build conversational commerce platforms using chat interfaces, and also benefit from social channels and mobile apps.
  • Use a robust functionality of meta fields. It does not need multiple templates to store unique data, yet you can customize your products, collections, and many other things. More advanced features of meta fields description, you can take advantage of the ShopifyFD tool. It allows for custom adaptations such as affiliate links, hover features, and more. 

There are many ways you can leverage to integrate with the backend system and extend the functionality of your store. Your decision to Shopify migration seems productive and efficient. 

Myth 4: My SEO will suffer if I migrate to Shopify?

Most merchants think SEO is an elusive concept which Shopify is unable to take over dedicatedly. As an overall result, it may defer organic search traffic for any store. 

The Fact:

SEO is always a pressing concern for every merchant. Organic search traffic is paramount to ensuring long-term health for any store. Shopify addresses poor performances in search engine rankings. Shopify has built-in SEO features to help established merchants avoid serious migration concerns- the long-lasting downtown in organic traffic. 

Sales can take a hit from poor search traffic resulting from duplicate pages, loading speed, and 404 errors. Migration to Shopify or replatforming with Shopify Plus can create an opportunity to yield high results from organic traffic. 

Basically, Shopify can handle a lot of SEO loopholes by improving site mapping, page loading speeds, and readable URLs. 

On top of it, there is no magic bullet approach one can always rely upon to have automated business outcomes.  It needs efforts and diligence from you to bring a consistent result in search engine optimization. And hence, Shopify migration must address three key areas:

URL Redirects:

Platform migration alters URL structures. Each product and collection page URL needs to be updated and redirected to its equivalent page on the new store site. When a user searches an URL, Google Spider redirects that link to the corresponding page of the new web store. 


Organic search engine traffic can be driven to any large store or website by optimizing product pages. Here, merchants need to take care of on-page optimization so as to align titles and descriptions improving customer search results. 

Data migration:

Thousands of data of millions of customers  can be stored in a backup database. You can do it in Shopify storage capacity during data import from WordPress or while transferring data to convert BigCommerce to Shopify. However, sometimes DIY solutions can be nerve-wracking while handling this mammoth task. Merchants can assign this task to some experts who ensure zero data loss without impacting SEO of your store. 

Want success from a consistent Shopify SEO service?

HulkApps can produce valuable results, increase customer engagement, and drive great traffic to your site. 

Explore tailored SEO services

Myth 5: Shopify adoption may increase risks to large organizations since it has a small ecosystem and community

Shopify is believed to have a small community of developers, solution partners, and technology toolkits, intimidating merchants to go for other platforms like Magento or WordPress.

The Fact:

Shopify Migration : Busting Five Shopify Migration Myths

The fact is untrue.  A true platform business is the core of Shopify plus architecture. The model is built for businesses that sustain a couple of business operations maintained through a single platform. It is a complex process to keep track of every activity. But, the Shopify Plus ecosystem enables you to manage two or three models together from an integrated system. As a result, the performance of each operation model is intertwined with each other, fostering overall growth to every model.

On the other hand, Shopify communicates between developers and merchants. The more apps you build for your store, the more merchants you can attract to your store, adding value to the platform.

Shopify also has a healthy community of expert developers. For any assistance related to software tweaks or performance uplift to Shopify store, we can find instant help. 


Shopify is simple to use. However, if you have no time, you can connect with renowned Shopify Plus partners to have a smooth replatforming with Shopify Plus or migrating to Shopify Plus. HulkApps is one of the leading Shopify Plus partners to bring your business unmatched scalability.  

Discover new Shopify Migration opportunities with HulkApps

HulkApps is a one-stop platform migration solution agency for every platform. We feature the most knowledgeable and experienced team to help you with Shopify migrations. From ensuring data handling to site performance on search engines, we offer unmatched migration services for Magento, WordPress, 3DCart and more. Check our extensive lists of services- 

Jimdo to Shopify Migration

Yahoo to Shopify Migration

Drupal to Shopify Migration

Netsuite to Shopify Migration

Volusion to Shopify Migration


Wrapping Up:

Shopify provides merchants with effective ways to sell online at ease. With a wide variety of plans to choose from, the Shopify migration could be one of the fittest measurements to avoid poor store performance and increase efficiency with improved SEO and content management. With a growing number of features and multitudes of app support, Shopify gives your store extended functionality that is easier to use for merchants and fast to shop with for customers. If migration is on the cards, nothing can pay off better performance than Shopify because it is tough to beat.