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Strategic Planning and Performance Division


The Strategic Planning and Performance Division is charged with establishing targets, measuring progress, and driving improvement towards the achievement of the goals established in HUD’s Strategic Plan. The Division facilitates the quarterly and annual progress updates as required by A-11. These strategic meetings provide a forum for a data-driven discussion of HUD’s strategies and results to achieve the Agency Priority Goals established by the Secretary and the senior leadership team. The Strategic Planning and Performance Division also collects and manages agency-wide performance data, and is enhancing the ability of HUD staff across the country to use that data to improve outcomes. The Division also works to spread best practices in performance evaluation and data-oriented management throughout the Agency.

The Strategic Planning and Performance Division’s planning work establishes the foundation for all agency performance management lifecycle activities, including the development and implementation of all processes required to support APGs. This includes the development and publication of the Strategic Plan, the Annual Performance Report, and Annual Performance Plan, the development and maintenance of data gathering tools and processes, and coordination with all stakeholders on performance reporting.

The Strategic Planning and Performance Division supports the HUD Chief Financial Officer, who is also the Department’s Performance Improvement Officer (PIO). The Division is organized under the Assistant Chief Financial Officer for Budget (ACFO-B) within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). The Division is led by HUD's Deputy Performance Improvement Officer (DPIO).

FY 2022-2026 HUD Strategic Plan

Performance Plans and Reports

Performance Management Projects

Agency Priority Goals

A-11 requires HUD to develop a data-driven discussion of progress towards Agency Priority Goals and the operational and policy actions needed to reach and surpass our targets. HUD’s FY22-23 Agency Priority Goals are to:

  • Reduce Homelessness: By September 30, 2025, make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring by reducing the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness by 7% from 2023 levels.

  • Improve Rental Assistance: By September 30, 2025, maximize the reach of HUD’s rental assistance programs by increasing the occupancy rates to 96% in the Public and Multifamily Housing programs and the budget utilization rate to 100% in the Housing Choice Voucher program.
  • Advance Sustainable Homeownership: By September 30, 2025, HUD will maintain a first-time homebuyer rate of at least 80% for newly endorsed FHA-insured purchase mortgages and a re-default rate for seriously delinquent homeowners who received a loss mitigation action that is below 30%.
  • Strengthen Environmental Justice: By September 30, 2025, protect families from lead-based paint and other health hazards by making an additional 25,000 units of at-risk housing units healthy and lead-safe.