This Privacy and Cookie Policy is provided by HQ Global Network having its office in Washington, D.C., (hereafter, the “Data Controller”).

The Data Controller offers a platform that provides global networking capabilities (hereafter, the “Platform”) to its users who have subscribed on the Platform and, as such, have a user account (hereafter, the “Users”). The Platform is available at the following url address

The Data Controller uses a solution called “Hivebrite,” which enables the import and export of user lists and data, the management of content and events, the organization of emailing campaigns, opportunity research, sharing, and the management of funds and contributions of any kind.

In this regard, the Data Controller collects and processes a User’s personal data in accordance with the Privacy and Cookie Policy.

The Data Controller is committed to privacy and security and maintains policies and procedures for compliance with applicable laws and regulations that are relevant to the services and deliverables provided. Data Controller also maintains a comprehensive data protection and information security program that includes administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that are reasonable and appropriate to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any data that Data Controllers may receive, maintain, store, or transmit on behalf of Users. Data Controller also imposes such obligations on all individuals who may handle this data, in compliance with applicable laws. In the unlikely event of a privacy breach, Data Controller will execute procedures to notify the affected Users, to meet legal and regulatory reporting requirements, and to efficiently resolve the issue.

Any data that the Data Controller receives is kept secure to maintain its confidentiality and is securely destroyed once the use or disclosure is no longer necessary or permitted. The Data Controller maintains policies and procedures to protect and safeguard data, including minimum necessary use and disclosure, and sanctions for those who should violate these policies.

Data Protection Law: Laws enacted by National, State, and Territorial legislative bodies on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, to include: US Privacy Act of 1974, all respective US State privacy legislation, General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, and all other National and Territorial data protection legislation.


The Data Controller has put in place an appropriate privacy and cookie policy to be fully transparent on how the personal data of Users are processed within the use of the Platform and services provided.

This privacy policy is intended for the Users of the Platform.

Date of last update: 15 July 2024





When subscribing to the Platform, the following personal data is collected from the User for the purpose of creating a user account:

Mandatory data:

  • First name 
  • Last name
  • Primary email
  • Attributes
  • How did you hear about us?


The User is responsible for providing the mandatory data necessary to create an account and to authenticate the User. The User cannot create an account without this data.



The User may validly publish, at their own initiative, any content on the Platform which shall be kept by the Company:

  • Posts 
  • Trips
  • Events
  • Forums
  • Direct messages
  • Portfolios

The User is aware that, when using the Platform, the User may provide sensitive data to include: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, education level, employment type, business/employment trade details, sexual orientation, etc. By providing such sensitive data, the User agrees to the processing of the details by the Platform in the conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy. 



The Data Controller and its subcontractors process personal data that are freely transferred by the User when accessing the services proposed by the Platform for the following purposes:



Legal basis 

Creation and management of a User account ;

Laws enacted by State and Territorial legislative bodies on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, to include: US Privacy Act of 1974, all respective US State privacy legislation, General Data Protection  Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, and all other National and Territorial data protection legislation. 


Providing the User with all functionalities of the Platform, meaning: 

Sending invitations for events organized by the Data Controller if the User has accepted to receive such invitations;

Inviting other Users to events

Commenting on other Users’ posts, forums, events, and trips

Sending direct messages to other Users

Being members of groups

Contributing to forums

Providing location data 


Management of data subjects’ rights according to Personal Data Legislation ;


Storage of User personal data;


If applicable, management of financial transactions;

If applicable, management of delinquencies and claims;

If applicable, management of prospecting operations:

Sending email prospect campaigns on behalf of customers and/or commercial partners 

Sending newsletters on behalf of customers and/or commercial partners 


Creating and analyzing statistics to: 

improve the quality of the services proposed by the Platform;

improve the usage functionalities of the Platform; 


Creating and analyzing statistics for the effective use of the Platform; 


Creating and analyzing statistics regarding different levels of activity on the Platform;

Enabling the synchronization of the User’s LinkedIn profile; 





The User’s personal data will only be retained during the length of the User’s subscription to the Platform.

Following the termination of a User’s subscription, the mandatory data and content published by the User on the Platform shall be deleted after a period of 30 days.



The Users’ data are stored by the Data Controller and its trusted service providers. 

When transferring data, the Data Controller will ensure that the data are transferred in a secure manner and with respect to Data Protection Law. If the country where the data are transferred does not have data protection laws comparable to those of the US or the EU, the Data Controller will use appropriate or suitable safeguards. 

When the service providers to whom personal data are transferred are located in the United States, these transfers are governed by standard data protection clauses.



The Data Controller commits to process Users’ personal data in compliance Data Protection Laws and to respect the following principles:

  • Process Users’ personal data lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner;
  • Only collect and process the Users’ data for the strict purpose as described under article 2 of the privacy policy;
  • Ensure that the personal data processed are adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Ensure that the personal data processed are accurate and, if necessary, kept up-to-date and take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal data are accurate;
  • Keep Users’ personal data no longer than necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Put in place all appropriate and necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of the process systems and services;
  • Limit the access to the Users’ data to the persons duly authorized to this effect;
  • Guarantee to the Users their rights under Data Protection Laws in relation to the processing of their data.



The User is duly informed that they have the ability to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing of data, and withdraw consent at any time.

The User can exercise their rights by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]The request will be processed after the User verifies their identity.

Users can lodge and submit complaints at the following email address[email protected]



The Data Controller informs the User that Hivebrite, as well as its subcontractors, uses a tracking technology on its terminal, such as cookies, whenever the User navigates on the Platform.



Only authorized persons working for the Data Controller can access Users’ personal data. Data Controllers who have service or support responsibilities with a “need to know” to perform their jobs and functions will have access to client data. Such access is controlled and monitored. Data Controllers may not use or disclose any data except for the purposes of performing their job functions and are obligated to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies.


The Data Controller also uses trusted service providers to carry out a set of operations on their behalf for hosting and payment services. The Data Controller can also use service providers in the technology industry and specific tools that are integrated into the Platform for technical and analytical purposes.


The Data Controller only allows service providers with the information necessary to perform services. To the extent possible, the Data Controller ensures that these trusted service providers only process the personal data with specific instructions in terms of confidentiality, expert knowledge, reliability, resources, technical and organizational measures, and security that meet the requirements of applicable data privacy legislation. 


The Data Controller may be required to disclose or share Users’ personal data to comply with legal obligations; or to enforce or apply terms of use/sale; or to enforce any other conditions the User has accepted; or to protect the rights, safety, or property of HQ Global Network, its customers, or employees.


List of the main service providers:


Service Provider


You can consult the privacy policy by clicking on the following link:



44 Rue la Fayette 

Paris 75009,




HIVEBRITE solution




510 Townsend Street

San Francisco

CA 94103,



Payment Service



Hivebrite, Inc.

6 Rue Auber in Paris 75009,



Hosting of all data and content produced / provided by the User, as well as images, profile pictures and backups

Hivebrite, Inc.

16 Nassau St, 

New York, NY 10038,


Customer support for the Platform