Parent's Rights

Parent's RIghts

    • Be involved and request regular meetings to express your opinions and concerns;

    • Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on local assessments like MAAP (Mississippi Academic Assessment Program), MST Mississippi Science Test (Grades 5 and 8), IReady (ELA and Math), MKAS (Kindergarten Readiness),  ACT,  3rd Grade Reading Assessment, etc. Biology EOY, Algebra I EOY, U.S. History EOY, and English II EOY

    • Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement in Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science

    • Be informed if your child is taught by a non-certified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks


    School Commitments

    1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards.
    2. Communicate high expectations for every student.
    3. Teach and involve students in classes that are interesting and challenging. 
    4. Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning and support the formation of partnerships with families and our community.
    5. Provide parents with frequent reports on their student’s progress.
    6. Provide assistance to families on what they can do to support their student’s learning.
    7. Hold parent-school conferences annually to discuss this compact as it relates to the individual student’s achievement for at-risk students.
    8. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in school activities (as published in school announcements, informational mailings, and school newsletter).

    Parents Commitments

    1. Talk to my student regularly about the value of education.
    2. Monitor TV viewing and make sure that my student completes homework assignments.
    3. Make sure that my student attends school every day on time, unless sick or in the case of an emergency.
    4. Support the school’s discipline and dress code.
    5. Monitor my student’s progress in school and be available for school conferences when needed.
    6. Make every effort to attend school events.
    7. Ensure that my student gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention, and proper nutrition.
    8. Respect the school, staff, students, and families.

    Student Commitments

    1. Believe that I can learn and will learn.
    2. Come to class on time, prepared to learn, and with assignments completed.
    3. Set aside time every day to complete my homework.
    4. Know and follow the school and class rules. 
    5. Follow the dress code set by my school.
    6. I regularly talk to my parents and my teachers about my progress in school.
    7. Respect my school, classmates, staff, and family.
    8. Realize that I am in control of my actions and behaviors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.