News Releases


Hoeven Announces More Than $1.3 Million in Head Start Funding to Cankdeska Cikana Community College

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, today announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded a Head Start Indian Grant for $1,381,488 to Cankdeska Cikana Community College in Fort Totten. "This grant will support continued efforts at Cankdeska Cikana Community College to prepare children for school and also provide families access to important resources and services," said … Continue Reading


Hoeven Helps Introduce CONTRACT Act to Support Air Traffic Controllers

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven this week joined Senators Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and others, including Senator Kevin Cramer, in reintroducing the Continuity for Operators with Necessary Training Required for ATC Contract Towers (CONTRACT) Act of 2021, legislation to support air traffic controllers and help with staffing shortages. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic controllers are one of several federal employee groups whose retire… Continue Reading


Hoeven Helps Introduce Legislation to Protect Health Care Providers from Discrimination

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven joined Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) and several of his colleagues in the Senate this week in reintroducing the Conscience Protection Act of 2021. This legislation would enact protections for health care providers from having their religious or moral beliefs discriminated against, including protections for providers who decline to participate in abortions due to their religious or moral beliefs. "This is about providing permanent legal protections to provide… Continue Reading


Hoeven: EDA Awards CARES Act Funding to Build Career Workforce Academy in Fargo

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA) has awarded $1.5 million to North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS) Foundation. This funding, made available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, will be matched with local investments to build the Career Workforce Academy in Fargo and is expected to create more than 100 jobs. La… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of Jennifer Granholm as Energy Secretary

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement after he joined the U.S. Senate in voting to confirm Jennifer Granholm as the U.S. Secretary of Energy. During Granholm's recent confirmation hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Hoeven highlighted their time serving together as governors, with Granholm being the former governor of Michigan, and how that shared experience will better enable them to work together in advancing North Dakota and the nation's… Continue Reading


Hoeven Helps Introduce Legislation to Oppose Lifting Sanctions on Iran

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven this week helped introduce bicameral legislation to oppose any actions by the Biden administration to lift sanctions on Iran. The resolution, sponsored by Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), reinforces that it's U.S. policy that Iran not gain a nuclear weapon, highlighting the weaknesses of the Obama-era Iran Nuclear Deal, which provided a pathway for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon and did not adequately address Iran's missile program or its support for terrorism. As … Continue Reading


Hoeven Helps Introduce Legislation to Support Combat-Wounded Veterans

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee, this week joined Senators Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) in introducing the Major Richard Star Act. This legislation, also cosponsored by Senator Kevin Cramer, would allow veterans wounded in combat with less than 20 years of service to receive their disability payments and military retirement payments in full. Under current law, on… Continue Reading


Hoeven: USDA Implements Dealer Trust to Protect Livestock Producers Against Payment Default

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS)implemented a livestock statutory dealer trust to ensure unpaid sellers of livestock are given priority in collecting receivables in the event of a dealer default. As then-chairman of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee, H… Continue Reading


Hoeven Announces Over $2.5 Million in Head Start Funding to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Three Affiliated Tribes

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, today announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded Head Start Indian Grants to two tribes in North Dakota. Through the American Indian and Alaska Native Program (AIAN), the Office of Head Start has awarded $1,389,725 to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe for Head Start and Early Head Start Services and $1,204,111 to the Three Affiliated Tribes… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of Thomas Vilsack as Secretary of Agriculture

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today issued the following statement after voting to confirm Thomas Vilsack as the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Hoeven and Vilsack served together as governors, and also worked together when Vilsack previously served as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary. "Our farmers and ranchers are the best in the world and continue to provi… Continue Reading


Hoeven & Baldwin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Alleviate Feed Shortages

WASHINGTON - Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) today introduced the Feed Emergency Enhancement During Disasters with Cover Crops (FEEDD) Act, bipartisan legislation to provide farmers and ranchers additional flexibility to alleviate feed shortages in years with widespread excessive moisture, flooding or drought. Specifically, the bill would: Create an emergency waiver authority for the Secretary of Agriculture to allow for haying, grazing or chopping of a cover crop on … Continue Reading


Hoeven Joins Bipartisan Effort to Ensure Farmers and Ranchers Are Eligible for Paycheck Protection Program Loans

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, joined Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) in sending a letter to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Small Business Administration (SBA) calling for new clarifications that would ensure farmers and ranchers are eligible for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. Hoeven joined the effort after hearing concerns from far… Continue Reading


Hoeven: Summit Carbon Solutions, Green Plains to Build Carbon Capture Pipeline Network for CO2 Storage in North Dakota

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement after Summit Carbon Slutions, a subsidiary of Summit Agricultural Group, announced that it would develop a pipeline network in partnership with Green Plains to capture and transport CO2 from its ethanol production facilities in Iowa to North Dakota for geologic storage. The system is projected to have capacity for 10 million tons of CO2 storage per year from up to 40 ethanol plants. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2023, fo… Continue Reading


Hoeven Cosponsors Bipartisan Legislation to Ease USPS Financial Issues, Free Up Capital to Improve Mail Service

BISMARCK, N.D. - Senator John Hoeven today announced that he has again cosponsored the USPS Fairness Act, bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) to ease financial strains on the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) by repealing the requirement that the USPS pre-fund its employees retirement health benefits. The USPS is the only federal agency subject to this mandate, which was put into place in 2006. The bill would remove this financial burden, fre… Continue Reading


ND Senators Outline Grand Forks' ISR Capabilities to USAF Chief of Staff, Working to Ensure Base's Role in Future Missions

GRAND FORKS, N.D. - Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer today joined Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Brown, Jr. at the Grand Forks Air Base (GFAFB) and the Grand Sky Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Research and Development Park for a classified briefing and tour. The senators outlined to Gen. Brown the unique relationship between the base and Grand Sky, as well as partnerships with the Northern Plains UAS Test Site, the University of North Dakota and NASA, which offer an opportunity to bet… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement After FERC, NERC Announce Inquiry Into Power Outages

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, issued the following statement after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) announced they will launch a joint inquiry into bulk-power system operations after millions of Americans are suffering power outages due to severe winter weather in the Midwest and South. "Americans need access to reliable electricity 24/7 to heat and p… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on Biden Administration Rescinding LWCF Local Consultation Order

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, issued the following statement after the Biden administration rescinded a Secretarial Order that required local consultation in the federal land and water acquisition process under the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The Secretarial Order rescinded by the Biden administration also provided greater flexibility for states and localities in spending and securing matches for grants under LWCF. H… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on Conclusion of Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven issued the following statement today after the conclusion of the Senate impeachment trial: "The Founding Fathers designed impeachment as a way to remove a President from office. That is why I believe it is unconstitutional and voted against trying to apply impeachment to a former president, after he has left office. That would be impeaching a private citizen. Constitutional scholars have clearly and effectively made that determination, and it is further reinforc… Continue Reading


Hoeven Statement on Biden Administration Ending Emergency Declaration for Southern Border

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Committee, today issued the following statement after the Biden administration rescinded the emergency declaration for the nation's southern border. "The national emergency issued by the Trump administration was an important tool to help address real security issues at the southern border. Americans want our immigration laws enforced and to secure the border, and this is a move in the wrong direction. The… Continue Reading


Hoeven Announces Reclamation Grant to East Central Regional Water District

WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Committee, today announced that the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) has awarded $733,081 to the East Central Regional Water District in Grand Forks County. This grant will be used to construct a nine-mile water transmission pipeline to help increase the water supply to the City of Larimore by 29% from the Elk Valley Aquifer and will utilize the city's we… Continue Reading

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