  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:


There are two types of political organizations in Florida: political committees (PCs) and electioneering communication organizations (ECOs).

A political committee is a combination of two or more individuals, or a person that spends or receives more than $500 during a calendar year

to support or oppose any candidate, issue, political committee, affiliated party committee or political party. A PC may make independent expenditures. [FS 106.011(16)]

An electioneering communication organization is an organization whose election-related activities are limited to making expenditures or accepting contributions

for the purpose of electioneering communications and whose activities would not otherwise require the group to register as a political party or political committee.

Florida Statute Chapter 106 of the Election Laws includes the definitions, limitations, requirements and other information about both types of political organizations in Florida.

The Florida Division of Elections also has a Committee and Campaign Treasurer Handbook available online.

Political Committees

Party Executive Committees

State and Precinct Committeemen/Committeewomen: Next Election will be in 2024

The next election for Democratic and Republican Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen will be in 2024. Candidates for political party precinct positions will qualify for office during the same period as state and county candidates.

The forms used for qualifying as Committeemen/Committeewomen:

  • State: DS-DE 305A - Candidate Oath
  • Precinct: DS-DE 305C - Candidate Oath

Typically, the political committees collect the forms and submit them to the Supervisor of Elections office during the qualifying period. However, anyone may file his/her form directly with the Supervisor of Elections office.

The number of precinct committeepersons allowed per precinct are based on voter registration statistics for each precinct as regulated by party rules. Only the names of the candidates with opposition in their precinct will appear on the Primary Election ballot for individual precincts. There is no run-off election for these positions. The term of office is four year.

The Supervisor of Elections office performs a ministerial function in reviewing qualifying papers. This includes the listing of the candidate's name as it is to appear on the ballot. If the candidate makes a mistake or wishes to change the way their name is to appear on the ballot, they must complete a new Candidate Oath prior to the close of qualifying.

The Democratic Party elects a State Committeeman and State Committeewoman internally. The Republican Party candidates for State Committeeman and State Committeewoman appear on every Republican Primary Election ballot as they are elected countywide. There is no run-off election for this position and the term of office is four years.

Campaign Finance as it relates to a candidate for State/Precinct Committeeperson:

  • - An individual running for State or Precinct Commmitteeman/Committeewoman who receives a contribution or makes an expenditure, shall file a report of all contributions received and all expenditures made. The report shall be filed no later than midnight (EST) on the 4th day preceding the Primary Election.
  • - All contributions and expenditures must be reported as required by Chapter 106, Florida Statutes.
  • - Reports shall be filed online using the Supervisor of Elections' Campaign Financial Reporting System (106.07, Florida Statutes).
  • - It is the responsibility of the candidate to notify the Supervisor of Elections office if they need to file this report so they may receive the necessary sign-on credentials and signature PINs.
  • - Late Reports are subject to automatic fines (106.0702, Florida Statutes).
  • - NOTE: If no contributions are received (including personal funds) and no expenditures are made (including from personal funds), the State/Precinct Committeeman/Committeewoman candidate is not required to file this report.

Interested individuals should contact their party executive committee for additional information about qualifying as a candidate for state or precinct committeemen and committeewomen or to obtain information about membership guidelines and party rules.


Mailing Address: PO Box 6650 Spring Hill, FL 34611

Headquarters Address: Castignoli Court Bldg #3, 6175 Deltona Blvd. Suite 103 Spring Hill, FL 34606

Phone Number: 352-442-2480

Elected Officers

Chair: Brian Hawkins

Vice Chair: Nick Holmes

Secretary: Elizabeth Witherell

Treasurer: Rosie Foster

State Committeeman: John Allocco

State Committeewoman: Mary Mazzuco


Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6092, Spring Hill, FL 34011

Phone Number: 352-587-2593

Email: [email protected]

Elected Officers

Chair: Brian Stewart - [email protected]

Vice Chair: Vacant

Secretary: Neil Blumengarten

Treasurer: Irene Keim

State Committeeman: Brian Stewart

State Committeewoman: Irene Keim

DS-DE 6 - Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation for Campaign Depository for Political Committees

DS-DE 305A - Candidate Oath for State Committeemen and Committeewomen

DS-DE 305B - Candidate Oath for District Committeemen and Committeewomen

DS-DE 305C - Candidate Oath for Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen

2024 Reporting Dates for Political Party Executive Committees

For helpful resources and guidelines, click HERE

Shirley Anderson, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County
OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
PHONE: (352) 754-4125
FAX: (352) 754-4425
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

"It is the mission of the Supervisor of Elections office to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and empower each voter through continuous education."