Maryland Public Information Act Requests (MPIAs)

Please use one of the following links to request records pursuant to Title 4, Public Information Act of the Md. Code Ann., Gen. Prov. §§ 4-101 - 4-406 (Maryland Public Information Act "MPIA"):

MPIA Requests

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DILP PIA Requests
PandZ PIA Requests



Fees for actual costs incurred in excess of two hours of time for research, preparation and production will be assessed.  Records taking in excess of two hours to locate and prepare will not be produced until payment of such fees is made.  In the event of a very broad request, the County may, in its discretion, request a deposit before expending more than two hours of research time to prepare a response. Requests should be narrowly tailored in order to avoid incurring fees related to production.


If a record is available in an electronic format, no reproduction fee will be assessed when the record is transmitted to the applicant electronically. Otherwise, the following fees will be assessed:


  1. $.30 per page fee for each black and white paper copy;
  2. $1.00 per page fee for each color paper copy; and,
  3. $5.00 fee for records produced via thumb drive.

Waiver of Fees.


An applicant may request a total or partial waiver of fees. Under GP § 4-206(e), a waiver of fees may be granted if:


1.         The applicant asks for a waiver; and 

2.         The applicant submits an Affidavit of Indigency and meets the definition of “indigent” under the Maryland Public Information Act; or 

3.          After consideration of the applicant’s ability to pay the cost or fee and other relevant factors, the official custodian determines that a waiver would be in the public interest, rather than for personal or commercial purposes.


An Affidavit of Indigency form can be located through the Maryland Attorney General website at




County Executive

Director of Administration

Economic Development

Emergency Services

Housing & Community Services

Human Resources

Office of Information &Communication Technology (OICT)

Inspections, Licenses & Permits (DILP)


Parks & Recreation

Planning & Zoning


Public Works



State Agencies in Harford County.

MPIA requests for state agencies located in Harford County should be directed to that agency as follows:


Circuit Court Welcome | Maryland Courts (

District Court District Court Locations Directory | Maryland Courts (


Harford County Public Library Harford County Public Library (

Harford County Public Schools Harford County Public Schools (

Health Department

Historical Society The Historical Society of Harford County (

Jury Commissioner Jury Service | Maryland Courts (

Register of Wills Harford County Register of Wills (

Sheriff’s Office

Social Services Harford County - Maryland Department of Human Services

State’s Attorney