General characteristics, identification of the MMF and the manager of that MMF
Reporting period
National code of the MMF as provided by the FCA
LEI of the MMF
ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier 20 alphanumerical character code (LEI)
ECB code (MFI ID code) of the MMF
Name of the MMF
Indicate if the MMF is a UCITS or an AIF
Indicate if the MMF is marketed solely through employee saving schemes governed by national law and which have natural persons as investors (in accordance with Art 16(5) of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Domicile of the MMF
ISO 3166 — Country code
Inception date of the MMF
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Base currency of the MMF
ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters
National code of the manager of the MMF as provided by the competent authority of the MMF
National code of the manager of the MMF as provided by the FCA
LEI of the manager of the MMF
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
ECB code (MFI ID code) of the manager of the MMF
Name of the manager of the MMF
Country where the manager of the MMF is authorized
LEI of the depositary of the MMF
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
National code of the depositary of the MMF
Legal name of the depositary of the MMF
Type of the MMF
MMF type [Select one]
Short-term VNAV MMF
Short-term Public debt CNAV MMF
Short-term LVNAV MMF
Standard VNAV MMF
Other characteristics of the MMF
Master/feeder information (MMF marketed solely through employee savings scheme governed by national law and which has natural persons as investors)
If the MMF complies with the conditions of Article 16(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131, indicate whether the MMF is a master or a feeder fund [Select one]
If the MMF is a feeder:
LEI of the master of the MMF
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
National code of the master of the MMF
Legal name of the master of the MMF
Information on share classes
Indicate whether the MMF has share classes
Where the MMF has share classes, state the single ISIN of the different share classes
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
Where the MMF has share classes, state the currency of the different share classes
ISO4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters
Information on preceding fund or liquidation (one-off reporting)
If the MMF has been merged with another fund, please indicate:
Date of merger.
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
if the MMF is being liquidated, please indicate:
Date of liquidation.
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Portfolio indicators of the MMF
Total value of assets (for the purpose of the reporting template under the MMF Regulation, it is considered that the total value of assets equals the NAV - please see below field A.4.1)
NAV (subfund level - not share class)
Net asset value of the MMF (subfund level)
(EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Net asset value of the MMF
(in base currency)
Weighted Average Maturity of the MMF calculated as set out in Article 2(19) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131.
Weighted Average Life of the MMF calculated as set out in Articles 2(20), 24(1)(b), 25(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131.
Liquidity indicators
Portfolio Liquidity Profile
% of assets qualifying for the daily liquidity buffer (daily maturing assets as defined under Articles 24 and 25 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
% of assets qualifying for the weekly liquidity buffer (weekly maturing assets as defined under Articles 24 and 25 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
Portfolio liquidity profile
Percentage of portfolio capable of being liquidated that fall within each period
Cumulative returns
Calendar year performance (net return) of the most representative share class
Monthly portfolio volatility and Monthly portfolio volatility of the shadow NAV (when applicable)
Stress tests of the MMF
Results of the stress tests of the MMF
Results of the liquidity stress tests of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of the credit stress tests of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of the FX rate stress tests of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of the Interest rate stress tests of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of stress test on the level of redemption of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of stress test of the MMF on the spread among indices to which interest rate of portfolio securities are tied conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of the macro stress test of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
Results of the multivariate stress test of the MMF conducted within the reporting period as set out in Art 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 and the corresponding ESMA guidelines on stress tests scenarios
In the case of CNAV and LVNAV MMFs, indicate the results of the stress tests mentioned in the fields A.5.1 to A.5.8 in terms of difference between the constant NAV per unit or share and the NAV per unit or share
Proposed action plan (where applicable)
Indicate the proposed action plan as set out in Art 28(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Free text
Information on the assets held in the portfolio of the MMF
Money market instruments, eligible securitisations and asset backed commercial papers
The below fields A.6 shall be completed using a line-by-line reporting template
Type of the Money market instrument, eligible securitisations and asset backed commercial papers [Select one or several]
Indicate the type of money market instruments, eligible securitisations and asset backed commercial papers
Money market instruments under Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Securitisations referred to in Article 13 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61
ABCPs as referred to in Art 11(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
A simple, transparent and standardised securitisation or ABCP as referred to in Art 11(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
If the type of asset is a money market instrument, complete the fields A.6.2 to A.6.20
Asset description of the money market instrument
ISIN of the money market instrument
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
CFI (if available, and if the ISIN is not available) of the money market instrument
ISO 10692 CFI, 6 characters alphabetical code
LEI of the issuer
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
Name of the issuer
Issuer category
The issuer categories shall be selected among the corresponding ones [Select one]
Sovereign (EU)
Sovereign (non-EU)
EU Central Bank
Non EU Central Bank
National Public body
EU Public body (except National Public body)
Non EU Public body
Supranational Public body (EU)
Supranational Public body (other than EU)
Credit institution
Other financial corporations
Non-financial corporations
Country of the issuer of the money market instrument
ISO 3166 — Country code
Maturity date of the money market instrument
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Currency of the money market instrument
(ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters)
Quantity of the money market instrument
Clean price of the money market instrument
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Clean Price of the money market instrument
(in base currency)
Accrued interests
Accrued interests
(in base currency, if A.6.14 is in EUR)
Total market value of the money market instrument
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Total market value of the money market instrument
(in base currency)
Method used to price the money market instrument
mark to market
amortised cost
Indicate whether the outcome of the internal credit assessment procedure is favourable or unfavourable
Provide the next interest rate reset date (as mentioned in Art 10(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
If the type of asset is an eligible securitisation or asset backed commercial paper, complete the fields A.6.21 to A.6.37
Asset description of the eligible securitisation or asset backed commercial paper
ISIN of the eligible securitisation or asset backed commercial paper
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
Country of the sponsor of the eligible securitisation and asset backed commercial paper
ISO 3166 — Country code
LEI of the sponsor
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
Name of the sponsor
The type of underlying
Trade receivables
Consumer loans
Credit card receivables
Loans to corporates or SME
Residential Mortgage
Commercial Mortgage
Other assets
Maturity date
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
(ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters)
Clean price
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Clean Price
(in base currency)
Accrued interests
Accrued interests
(in base currency, if A.6.30 is in EUR)
Total market value
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Total market value
(in base currency)
Method used to price the eligible securitisations or asset backed commercial paper
mark to market
amortised cost
Whether the outcome of the internal credit assessment procedure is favourable/unfavourable
Other assets
Type of the Other assets [Select one]
The type of other assets shall be selected among the assets listed in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Deposits with credit institutions as referred to in Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Reverse repurchase agreements as referred to in Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Repurchase agreements as referred to in Article 14 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Units or shares of other MMFs as referred to in Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131
Financial derivative instruments as referred to in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 of which:
— Financial derivative instruments dealt in on a regulated market (and specify if it falls under Article 2(1)(13A), Article 2(1)(13B), or Article 2(1)(13) of Regulation (EU) 600/2014)
— Financial derivative instruments dealt over-the-counter
Ancillary liquid assets
If the type of other asset is a financial derivative instrument, complete the fields A.6.39 to A.6.60
Contract type of derivative contract
ISIN of the financial derivative instrument
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
UPI of the financial derivative instrument (if the ISIN is not available)
FISN (Financial Instrument Short Name) of the financial derivative instrument
ISO 18774
CFI code (if available and if the ISIN is not available) of the financial derivative instrument
ISO 10692 CFI, 6 characters alphabetical code
Type of derivative instrument set out in Article 13(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 [select one]
interest rate
indices of interest rates
indices of currencies
Name of the underlying
Underlying identification type
X = Index
Underlying identification
For underlying identification type I: ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
For underlying identification type X: ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code if available, otherwise full name of the index as assigned by the index provider
Notional currency 1
ISO 4217 Currency Code
Notional currency 2
ISO 4217 Currency Code
Country of the financial derivative instrument
ISO 3166 — Country code
Maturity date of the financial derivative instrument
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Exposure of the financial derivative instrument
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Exposure of the financial derivative instrument
(in base currency)
Market value of the financial derivative instrument
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Market value of the financial derivative instrument
(in base currency)
Market value of the collateral received (in relation to the financial derivative instrument)
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Market value of the collateral received (in relation to the financial derivative instrument)
(in base currency)
Provide the next interest rate reset date (as mentioned in Art 10(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Name of the Counterparty
LEI of the Counterparty
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
If the type of other asset is a unit or share of other MMF, complete the fields A.6.61 to A.6.71
Asset description of the unit or share of other MMF
ISIN of the unit or share of other MMF
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
LEI (if the ISIN is not available) of the unit or share of other MMF
CFI code (if available and if the ISIN is not available) of the unit or share of other MMF
ISO 10692 CFI, 6 characters alphabetical code
(ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters)
Country of the unit or share of other MMF
ISO 3166 — Country code
Market value of the unit or share of other MMF
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Market value of unit or share of other MMF
(in base currency)
Price of the unit or share of other MMF (NAV per unit or share of other MMF)
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Price of the unit or share of other MMF (NAV per unit or share of other MMF)
(in base currency)
If the type of other asset is a deposit or ancillary liquid assets, complete the fields A.6.72 to A.6.81
Asset description of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
ISIN of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
CFI (if available and if the ISIN is not available) of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
ISO 10692 CFI, 6 characters alphabetical code
Country of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
ISO 3166 — Country code
Name of the counterparty
LEI of the counterparty
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
Maturity date of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
(ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters)
Exposure of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Exposure of the deposit or ancillary liquid assets
(in base currency)
If the type of other asset is a repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement assets, complete the fields A.6.82 to A.6.99
Asset description of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement
ISIN of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
CFI (if available and if the ISIN is not available) of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement
ISO 10692 CFI, 6 characters alphabetical code
Country of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement
ISO 3166 — Country code
Counterparty category
The counterparty category shall be selected among the following ones (please see Art 20(2)(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131) [Select one]
Sovereign (EU)
Sovereign (non-EU)
EU Central Bank
Non EU Central Bank
National Public body
EU Public body (except National Public body)
Non-EU Public body
Supranational Public body (EU)
Supranational Public body (other than EU)
Credit institution
Other financial corporations
Non-financial corporations
LEI of the counterparty
ISO 17442 LEI 20 alphanumerical character code
Name of the counterparty
Maturity date of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement
ISO 8601 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
(ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical characters)
Exposure of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement (in the case of reverse repurchase agreement, this is the amount of cash provided to the counterparty)
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Exposure of the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement (in the case of reverse repurchase agreement, this is the amount of cash provided to the counterparty)
(in base currency)
Market value of the collateral received (in relation to the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement) (the amount of cash received by the MMF as part of repurchase agreements (as referred to in Article 14(d) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Market value of the collateral received (in relation to the repurchase agreement or a reverse repurchase agreement) (the amount of cash received by the MMF as part of repurchase agreements (as referred to in Art 14(d) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
(in base currency)
Whether the outcome of the internal credit assessment procedure is favourable or unfavourable (for the different liquid transferable securities or (other) money market instruments received as part of a reverse repurchase agreement as referred to in Article 15(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131)
In the context of the reverse repurchase agreements and assets referred to in Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 that were received by the MMF, please indicate:
ISIN of these different assets
ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumerical code
Market value of these different assets
(in EUR) (if the base currency is not in EUR the exchange ratio used shall be the rate most recently set by the European Central Bank)
Market value of these different assets
(in base currency)
In the context of the reverse repurchase agreements, whether there are any assets as referred to in Article 15(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 that were received by the MMF
Information on the liabilities of the MMF
information on the investors - investor concentration
Specify the approximate percentage of the MMF's equity that is beneficially owned by the five beneficial owners that have the largest equity interest in the MMF, as a percentage of NAV of the MMF. Look-through to the ultimate beneficial owners where known or possible
% (of NAV)
information on the investors - breakdown of investor concentration
Specify the breakdown of investor concentration by status of investors (estimate if no precise information available): 1) Professional clients (as defined in Article 2(1)(8) of Regulation (EU) 600/2014), 2) retail clients (as defined in Article 2(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/565)
— Professional clients (as defined in Article 2(1)(8) of Regulation (EU) 600/2014)
% (of NAV)
— Retail clients (as defined in Article 2(8) of Regulation (EU) 2017/565)
% (of NAV)
information on the investors - geographical breakdown
Provide the breakdown of the ownership of units/shares in the MMF by investor group. Look-through to the ultimate beneficial owners where known or possible.
(% of NAV)
Non-financial corporations
Insurance corporations
Other financial institutions
Pension plans/funds
General government
Other collective investment undertakings
Specify the geographical breakdown of investors by country (estimate if no precise information available)
(% of NAV, Country — ISO 3166 — 2 character)
Information on investors — subscription and redemption activity
Investor redemptions
State the frequency of investor redemptions. If multiple classes of shares or units, report for the largest share or unit class by NAV. [Select one]
No redemption rights
What is the notice period required by investors for redemptions in days
As at the reporting date, what percentage of the MMFs NAV is subject to the following arrangements:
% of NAV
Suspension of dealing
% of NAV
Liquidity fees
% of NAV
Other arrangements for managing illiquid assets
Type of arrangement
% of NAV
Net Asset Value of the MMF over the reporting period
(in EUR, including the impact of subscriptions and redemptions) (at the last day of the month)
Subscriptions over the reporting period
(in EUR)
Redemptions over the reported period
(in EUR)
Payments to investors
(in EUR)
Exchange rate