Welcome 2024

Welcome Starts In:

Guild Elections


The Results Are In!

Here's a massive thank you to everyone who took part and voted for next year's Officer Team, who will work to lead your Guild for the year ahead.

The results are in and you can now take a look at who will be representing you for the year ahead and who will Lead Your Guild.

View Your Next
Officer Team

Take a look at your next Full Time Officers, Part Time Officers and NUS Delegates, who will all be representing you for the year ahead and who will Lead Your Guild.

View Team

There are currently no news articles. Please keep checking back.


Prize Draws

Congratulations also to our prize winners, you will be contacted in due course by the Elections Team, if you haven’t already! So please keep checking your emails! You can still also view our Terms and Conditions.

Your 2024/2025 Officer Team

Full Time Officer Team


Part Time Officer Team


NUS Conference and Liberation Conference Delegates

Key Election Details

Documents & Support

If you are interested in standing in our Officer Elections you should be aware of the process and regulations in place. We also offer lots of support for you as a candidate and you can view information on the support offered and advice on how to do a great written statement (manifesto) below!

If you have any questions about the documents below please email the Elections Team.

Application Documents

The following includes all important election documents and useful resources to help you with your application and campaign. When you apply for any position, you are subject to the Guild’s Election Regulations and the Guild Byelaws (specifically, Byelaw 8 - Elections).

These regulations must be used alongside the Election Regulations, Guild of Students Bye Laws, Guild of Students Zero Tolerance Policy, University Bullying and Harassment Policy, Guild of Students governing documents, University Legislation, and/or any Laws of the Land.

All Guild elections are overseen by the Nominee for the Returning Officer as delegated by the Registrar and Secretary of the University of Birmingham who is responsible for ensuring that every election is free, fair and open.

Regulation Documents


Election Regulations

All candidates must take responsibility to read these regulations and ensure that their campaign teams know about these. Not knowing about the regulations is not an excuse for breaking them. If the regulations are unclear or you need more help at any time, please email the Elections Team.


Guild of Students Byelaws

Please refer to Bye Law 8 with regards to Elections.


Guild of Students Zero Tolerance Policy

The Guild believes that a Zero Tolerance approach should be taken towards any form of harassment based on defining protected characteristics that takes place in any of the Guild’s venues or events.


University Harassment and Bullying Policy

The University is committed to creating a working and learning environment free from harassment and discrimination in which all staff, students and visitors to the University are treated with dignity and respect.


Disabled Students Policy - Plain Text

Our Disabled Students’ Policy offers the practical support of a student staff member to help disabled candidates with elections activities.


Complaints Procedure

The Complaints Procedure explains how we will deal with any elections complaints.


Complaint Form

A student or candidate wishing to submit an election complaint must do so by using this Complaint Form. This must be sent by email to elections@guild.bham.ac.uk. All complaints be substantiated with evidence in support of their complaint where possible.

Useful Resources & Support

Here are also some resources which may be useful to read before attending these sessions:


Written Statement/Manifestos Training

Training slides on how to write a written statement/manifesto for Officer Elections.


Useful Information for Your Campaign & Written Statement

Information that you can use to support the development of your written statement and campaign. You can find information about recent Guild Campaigns, Survey Responses, and other information.


Guide to Uploading a Photo

You must upload a photo for your application to be accept. This Guide shows you how to upload your photo. If you have any problems doing this, please email the Elections Team.

Elections Complaints Log


Elections Complaints Log

Formal complaints log from Guild Elections 2023/2024 year.

Candidate Question Time

Take a look at what your Officer candidates said in response to your questions during our Candidate Question Time on 6th March.

There are no news articles. Please check back later.


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