Container technology has been one of the leading innovations for providing IT operations with more resilient, scalable and flexible environments. With that power comes a new series of security controls and strategies. We can help you ensure strong security controls over every aspect of your development and delivery pipeline.
From planning your cloud and container roadmap to helping implement a production environment, our team of certified cloud security practitioners can help you with the following container-related projects:
We will walk you through how your infrastructure as code and application code bases align with a strong container security program. With a secure DevOps model, your container strategy becomes more resilient and compliant by establishing more checkpoints along your CI/CD pipeline, thus validating the codebase even before it goes to production.
Our team can provide tips and techniques for improving your developer productivity with containers. From training to actual implementation, we’ll help your team get up to speed and into a strong container security routine.
Automation is one of the foundations of modern container and cloud computing. Our team can help you create a secure, automated environment that ensures stability and compliance in your container program.
Moving containers from your developer laptops to staging and then to production should come with ease, security and stability. Our team can help you understand and implement container portability and ensure a strong security program between environments.
Our team has deep expertise and knowledge of container technologies. We can help you understand and implement container best practices that will secure and stabilize your container ecosystem.
Optimizing containers to best fit your end-user requests is key to a successful container program. We can help ensure that you have enough resources available to handle any workload spikes and to downsize when needed.
Container orchestration helps you manage the herd of computing resources deployed in your infrastructure. We’ll help you understand and implement a comprehensive solution to ensure a secure and resilient strategy in your container program.
Containers don’t just live in the cloud. A resilient container strategy may include a mix of on-prem and public cloud infrastructure. Let our team of experts help you understand when to use the infrastructure available and create a strong container security program that matches your needs.
Because of portability, containers can live in any cloud environment. It is becoming increasingly common for organizations to utilize more than one cloud service provider in their overall cloud strategy. Our experts can help you understand and implement a secure multi-cloud container strategy that best fits your organizational needs.
Coupled with containers, microservices have become a foundation for modern application architecture. We’ll help you understand and implement proper secure microservice strategies and explain how to implement them into your container security program.
Migrating monolithic architectures into microservices can feel like a daunting task. Our team of experts can help you break down your application into a roadmap that includes security measures to help you chip away at your application without breaking the integrity and the experience for your end user.
With the number of growing security technologies for containers, it’s hard for organizations to find the right fit for their container program. We’ll help you discover the best fit for your over security and compliance needs.
Our assessment services are designed to address whatever stage you are at in your cloud security transformation. These services include cloud readiness, cloud maturity and a health check.
We’ve developed a unique cloud security framework that covers more than 150 risk and security controls to help you create and ensure a secure cloud environment.
Our cloud security engineers are highly certified across the different cloud platforms and solutions and are here to help you execute your cloud security program.
Our security practitioners can help you understand and manage container security in the cloud.
We provide guidance and implementation support for your security needs during your transition to modern technology and practices.
We provide guidance and implementation support for your security needs during your transition to modern technology and practices.