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Be the Voice of Your Community

When members evaluate their membership investment, will they ask themselves “Was my association helpful during the crisis?”

  • Don’t wait for an invitation to lead
  • Be the source for answers
  • Don’t be timid

Whether your community is centered around geography, an industry, or an interest, everyone has questions right now. Your organization can be the source for answers. Now is an ideal time to position your organization as an expert and drive greater awareness to your organization and its mission.

Be a resource. Available technology opens the door to providing expertise and resources quickly in a variety of ways. For example, you can develop a Crisis Resources web page with at-a-glance critical information and links your members or community needs the most. You can keep your members informed by sending easy-to-digest updates on how legal and legislative changes affect them directly.

Find out what is most important to your membership. Conduct a short survey to gauge what’s on their minds so you can deliver what members are looking for.

Build trust through content marketing. By creating compelling content on topics based on what members are looking for, you increase the likelihood of retaining members, being found online, and establishing your organization as the voice of your community. Content marketing can include informative social media posts, blog articles, press releases, white papers, infographics, videos, and more.

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