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Success Story: Fast Event Check-In System

Success Story: Fast-Pass Event Check-In System

Using ChamberMaster’s QR system, the time members spend waiting in line at events has been greatly reduced.

They can check-in and begin networking as soon as they walk in the door. Name tags have a QR code printed on them, which puts guests not familiar with the Fast Pass System at ease because it eliminates the need to search for names on a paper list.

By requiring payment at registration, open invoices have reduced accounts receivable by over 50%, which in turn allows the chamber to pay vendors in a timely manner. The prepaid system also reduces the amount of time staff spends tracking down a $12 lunch fee! Instead, they can concentrate on other items to improve the chamber.

The QR system has been perfected to fit the needs of members and allows them more time to network at meetings instead of standing in line. This has led to improved and increased online registration. Members are also able to take more ownership of their accounts and better manage accounting practices by viewing past and future events.

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